The Wrongest Kind of Tree to B

Bad Horse
Horrible death whinnie? Threatening to make failed applicants to the ELE "his mare"? C'mon.

The real fun is watching tourists get absolutely *wrecked* on 32 oz. Monsoons while they wait in that always-gigantic line, then try to mount a last minute puking rally before they're finally seated.

So wait …
This movie isn't about the burger joint on Esplanade? Fuck that.

Celozzi-Ettleson Chevrolet
I'll go to my grave knowing that you always save more money at York and Roosevelt Rd. Just sad.

Sign me up for "this show sucks. Hard." Eliza Dushku only has two facial expressions (cute, constipated), but the thing that annoys me most is the emphasis on technical material that the writers are clearly too lazy to get right. Every time they describe anything to do with biology or neuroscience, I want to throw my

I'm sensitive to the "Midwestern accent" having grown up in the suburbs of Chicago, and I don't recall ever having heard it on the show, but that doesn't detract from the reality of the show for me. To my ear, everyone just sounds normal. No need for the George Wendt in the "Da Bears" skit-style over-reaching.

The reason that never bothered me too much is that the "Chicago accent" is like any other regional accent. It doesn't really show up in people who have spent significant time in school. I don't mean to sound like a snob, but any linguist would point out that accents are as much markers of socio-economic class as of

Did I miss something …
… or was Dr. Weaver not limping/walking with a crutch last night? Was that resolved during the time I wasn't watching via some type of fantastical limb transplant? Did I just not see the crutch last night? This has been bugging me to the extent that I can't think clearly about wether the finale

And I've apparently lost the ability to spell correctly. Banner day for me.

Fuckstick! I keep forgetting that not everyone has seen the whole season on Directv. My appologies.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Coach at West Dillon. I think there are excellent possibilities there.