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blacktose intolerance

Twice, really, but we don't talk about the other time.

Re: the Sand Snakes-
I'm pretty sure it was "Brahbrah."

Whereas Howard knew exactly what to expect, and had the check already filled out.

And conversely, I don't think there's any way for him to fully become Saul if he has the influence of Kim in his life.

Eh, as I mentioned elsewhere, even if Chuck had second thoughts after kicking over the lantern, he's the type to let himself burn rather than admit it was a bad idea.

Yeah, that was a truly excellent and underplayed gag.


Krav Maga.

it did correctly guess my Trogdor the Burninator as "Dragon" so it's nice to see that Google appreciates the classics of the internet too.

Yeah Ice… everyone in Hollywood's on a Paleo diet. Bread has carbs in it. You are gonna have to get used to that.

I'd have to disagree with the idea that Teddy has nothing going on in his life besides Bob and his family- he didn't even know their last name until fairly recently. "Your name isn't Bob Burgers?" He has what appears to be a moderately successful business as a contractor, used to be married (unhappily), and is/was in

That's a tough one, and I don't think the show has given away any clues in that respect, nor do I suspect they ever will. My personal theory is that Gus simply is keeping an eye on Hector's operations, and the arrest of Tuco was kind of a big deal in that respect. So if he's paying attention to how that's playing out,

We've all been there. And the BB-verse is pretty dense, anyway. Anyway, you've got it rough enough already, as a Chuck defender ;)

Alternate view (and the one I think the show expects the viewers to share:
*Salamancas are minding their own business; Mike is minding his own business; Salamancas are happy, but Mike not so much (see below)
*Mike is desperate for money to keep his daughter-in-law and granddaughter in a safe place, in part because of

I have, but only twice.

Someone get Superfriends-era Superman on the line. His Mxyzptlk-thwarting skills have never been in higher-demand!

Too soon.

No one tweets that his haters are Sad! like Gaston!

This is the risk you run when you alienate all your gay friends.