
But do you guys like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? It's a show about a redhead.

Ouch… I assume.

Most likely. But let's hope not. I want to see Kimmy interact with more different potential love interests.

Really? I'm sure even sweet naive Erin would know.

Definitively saying that sexual abuse occurred would have further defined the character as a victim. This is precisely opposite of what this show is about.

The last two episodes had a different tone. I did not love them during my first binge. However, I had a different take after a second viewing. The courtroom scenes dragged the audience through a patch of uncomfortable emotion. This might have been necessary if we were to fully appreciate Kimmy's journey.

But that's how Tina Fey might put it. LOL.

I think the backstory was meant to be very dark. The optimistic response to that experience just perfectly highlighted the strength of the character.

Handsome men are more charming, more credible, and automatically funnier. Reality is just perception.

The courtroom episodes are much less colorful. They did a great job visualizing the tone with the use of colors.

Yep. That's much worse than calling INS on your illegal alien romantic rival. Greencard fraud is a crime.

I definitely preferred Tim/Dawn over Jim/Pam.

I think it was supposed to be in one of the episodes (Junior Salesman?) but it was cut. I would much rather watch the parent-search storyline.

Well… to me…

But that was the best part of the finale. I saw that one coming but it was still powerful and emotional to me. I wish they would expound on it a bit and perhaps show her introduce Andy/Pete to her parents.

I loved both Andy/Erin and Pete/Erin storylines. IMO they are more much more interesting than Jim and Pam.

Erin was the only reason why I started watching the show. It is hard to describe. Her comedy is subtle yet obvious. Very refreshing.

I fully expected Erin to reunite with her parents yet the scene was so moving I almost started crying. I also expected this to be the best part in the finale though.

Of course I watch season 1-5 on video. But The Office was missing something without Erin.

I don't know… I like season 8 better. There have been a few good Peterin moments this season but then the quality fell off a cliff.