
I thought I'd read somewhere that he intended to do the jump, but ultimately wasn't permitted to for liability reasons.

I only just discovered the secret behind Troi's uniforms — I think it was in an interview she and Michael Dorn did recently (for Buzzfeed)? She said the standard Starfleet uniform didn't look right on her because she was "overweight", and the cheerleader-style uniforms fit her shape better. She transitioned into the

I recall reading a while ago that Eric Stonestreet was supposed to play Arbuckle for an HBO biopic, but I haven't seen anything about that recently. Did the project fall through?

I watched Taxi the other night for the first time since college. The episode, "Elaine and the Monk," was probably not one of the series' best, but it still ripped me apart. Simka's cousin, a monk who's taken vows of non-communication, comes to New York for a one week sabbatical free of his monastic constraints, and he

Absolutely. The "so" seems like such a small thing, but it made such a difference in the tone of the work. Every time I hear somebody complain about having to read Beowulf, I feel the overwhelming urge to drag them to the library and read them Heaney's translation. Head and shoulders above the rest.

The fact that this was even considered, however briefly, blows my freaking mind. Wow.

Surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but I recall reading that Ensign Harry Kim on Star Trek: Voyager was supposed to be killed off to make room in the budget for the incoming Seven of Nine. Then People magazine included Garrett Wang on their "50 Most Beautiful" list, and the powers that be decided that killing

Boy Meets the Grim Reaper?

Glad they changed that. A youngish German couple that didn't speak English would have been a bit of a stretch, at least from what my German mother-in-law has told me about English proficiency there.

The only way to out-Swanson Ron Swanson is by casting the Voice of Beef himself.

"Blue Skies", preferably Ella Fitzgerald
Never saw the sun shining so bright/never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by/when you're in love, my, how they fly.

I like Zachary Levi, but at 6'4" you'd need some serious Peter Jackson-level forced perspective work to make him look Keaton's 5'5", or else create some CGI goliath to play Arbuckle.

This is a masterpiece, and I can't wait to read the ongoing adventures of Elim Garak and Peggy Olson as they recivilize and repopulate multiple galaxies and timelines.

Data playing the role of Buster Keaton on the Enterprise has been a pet theory of mine for ages, so I was thrilled to see Zack mention it (I'd never seen anyone else reference it). Both Data and the "little fellow" Keaton often played are essentially outsiders in their respective surroundings. In at least one short,

Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten about that Candid Camera bit. So, so very funny. Thank you!

Keaton was all over TV back in those days. He had guest appearances on lots of the variety shows (starting with Ed Wynn in '49) and starred in a bunch of commercials (including some amusing ones with Speedy, the Alka Seltzer mascot). He'd even had a supporting role in Chaplin's Limelight back in '52.