The Riddler

At this point, all I can do is laugh.

I admire your active fantasy life.

You take your umbrage and shove it, my good man. As I explained when someone made this exact same quibble last week, Penguin may be working his own game, but has yet to establish himself as a genuine independent power. When he does so, yes, the game will become multipolar, but not yet.


Hardly. Falcone and Maroni remain the centers of power in Gotham gangland, and Mooney and Cobblepot are so far merely maneuvering to take over one of those centers. I assume eventually Penguin will make a play for independent power, but until then the fundamental structure of the conflict remains bipolar.


Well, if you insist.

I'd penalize you for guessing twice, but you're clearly not being serious, so I'll let it slide.

Bad answer, but good manners.

I'll keep your resume on file.

Hey, just because I don't let anyone else edit their comments doesn't mean I can't. Riddler's privilege.

It would have been better, but Harvey wouldn't let me illustrate the region's enduring Shia-Sunni proxy wars using his face.

Oh, please. I could do a better job of mixing a clinically effective treatment regimen for schizophrenia with $100 and ten minutes of shopping in Gotham's warehouse district.

Damn it. Flying cartoon ponies. This universe has gotten really weird since the reboot.

That makes several different kinds of no sense!

Well, that's cute, but I didn't ask why they were alike, now did I?

Been there, done that.

On the contrary, I have a small group of friends whose company I enjoy: Oswald, Selina, Query and Echo, and of course dear old Bruce. I find that most other people aren't worth knowing.

I respect Roberta Willliams, I'll say that much.

I'll tell Jervis you said hello.