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    The Two Witnesses should NOT be kissing at all, regardless of race/ethnicity/whatever. Romance is not their destiny, and if there is a season 4 and the Two Witnesses do get cozy in that way, THIS white chick will quit watching. Everything doesn't have to be about sex. There are more important things.

    I believe that the reason they didn't "take things to the next level" is that they are fellow soldiers, not Friends With Benefits. They are the Two Witnesses mentioned in prophecy, and their connection is far deeper and more significant than a mere romantic relationship. They are - what was it called in the episode?

    Sorry 'bout the salmonella.

    Agreed. The only part of this ep I actually like is the knowledgeum and Homer's child-style ramblings in the parking lot. After that, it's all downhill.

    The Wizard of Oz is pretty terrifying itself, at least to a small child. Those mean talking trees. That menacing witch. etc.

    The Ab. Snowman scared me to death in 1963 - and also the fact that little Rudolph was walking around the wilderness ALL ALONE without his mom to take care of him and protect him from the Abominable.

    I think you mean "Folie a Deux" - the bugs were described as "hiding in the light". I consider that one to be the scariest XF episode of all time. "Home" is creepy and disgusting, but "Folie a Deux" is blood-curdling.

    Lord of Illusions (1995). Well-written, good cast, but just too disgusting. An eyeball gets slit. A little girl gets torn up by a mandrill. Yicch. I just had to turn it off.

    Eight-Legged Freaks. Scary but fun.

    I so, SO agree. What a boring sequence of killings. What a lame ending. I thought this was even worse than the Bob episode when he had the perfect chance to kill Bart and then wimped out because "he'd grown accustomed to his face".

    Does the Tim Burton version of Sweeney Todd not qualify as Horror? I found it pretty horrific, but I'm not an expert on the genre.

    Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

    Yeah, that's God. He's always happy. No, wait! - He's always mad!

    Isn't Ratboy dead? I seem to recall someone shooting him. It was so long ago…

    I was a world class X-phile, at least for the first 5 seasons and the first movie. I would like to think that this new project will be good, but there's a little voice in my head that keeps asking me if we really want to see Mulder as a bloated, disappointed middle-aged man and Scully as a nearing-retirement mom. The

    Agreed. I have always considered the X-Files to have officially ended with the FIRST movie. Scully was kidnapped by aliens and held prisoner in their ship under the ice. She HAS to believe now. When they resumed the next season with the same "but Mulder, there has to be a scientific explanation…" stuff, I was

    Sigh. I used to love The Muppets. Just another Disney hijack. Poop jokes and gay jokes have no place in the world of The Muppets, and Miss Piggy's hair is supposed to be FLUFFY. She's not a corporate CEO; she's a diva.

    The absolute all-time best SM movie is Leap of Faith. He very effectively portrays a man who is funny, charming, and an icy-cold narcissist. And the ending is NOT a cop-out; it is perfectly in keeping with the character. No other ending would be true to who Jonas Nightingale is. He's a control freak. He has to be

    I also love the haunted house. Anyone who appreciates the old lady's warning about the ravages of age should IMMEDIATELY obtain a movie called Funny Bones and watch it, for another version of the same thing. Jerry Lewis is in it, but don't let that put you off. Warning: Avoid excessive fluid intake before watching

    Yes, delicious. It's shredded beef and salsa, wrapped in a funnel cake.