
But can we really believe her? It's not like she's gonna state to everyone "hey, Tara's alive" in an interview. She might be just lying.

I bet Tara isn't dead. Remember in season 5 when that Elijah vampire was killed and his maker said that she could sense something like that which is why she came to investigate Fangtasia? The show didn't show Pam reacting to it so I doubt that she's really dead.

On another note, it's a shame to see that next week we'll be going from the quality of this episode which was actually pretty fun to watch to Matthew Hodgson, bringer of such 'classic' episodes as I Kissed A Girl, Shooting Star and Puppet Master.

I prefer June Squibb's character to Shirley MacLaine's. Squibb's one just seems more likeable this episode whilst MacLaine's last week was shown to be rather tedious to watch. It's a shame we'll most likely never see Squibb again on the show.

The episode was okay. Felt that a bit too much St. Kurt happened but if I was given the opportunity to write an episode during a season in which my character has been kicked to the dirt then I'd make my character the main star so I can't blame Chris.