Lack of Name

Imposing order on the Trump White House would mean a massive purge, and restricting Trump's ability to hire people in the future. I mean, it's not just that the Communications Director goes directly to the President, it's the Communications Director is Scarramuci.

Blow Out: How many de Palma movies start off as low-rent B-movies, before revealing it's a movie in a movie? Body Double does the same thing.

"who got the electric chair for stealing pennies "

His spelling abilities are way below what they should be for a 9 year old.

Scaramucci is probably the most outright incompetent of the Trump inner circle. He's a Communication Director who doesn't know how to communicate to the press. And this isn't a Betsy DeVos situation, where he actually wants to hollow out the Communications department—"I don't want to suck my own cock" is this guy

Does the kid have a learning disability or something?

What even was the point of Scaramucci and Preibus standoff? Did Scaramucci think he would get promoted to Chief of Staff or something?

Running Scared is pure B-movie pulp.

I've tried watching Spectre twice, and fell asleep both times. I do remember Bond somehow blows up two buildings while trying to snipe a guy across the street.

Scaramucci is another example of Trump hiring a rich guy with no relevant experience, and man is it showing. Unless Trump wants to double down on "Crude, angry, rich New Yorker is hostile to everybody" as his brand, which I guess he might, this is not going well.

Trump is that dumb,

He just straight up asked what the Democrats ideas are. It's the ACA. The thing that still exists.

They held up court picks! Can you believe such a thing?

McConnell just asked what Democrats ideas are for repealing the ACA.

He's asking Bannon for advice on how to be flexible.

All things considered, how high up is the Communications director on the White House hierarchy? It make no sense for him to be picking fights with everybody.

The only way this passes is a tie-breaker with Pence. If he's calling it a day, odds are it's not happening tonight.

Qatar updated: Saudi Arabia is buying local time in the DC market to air commercials making the case for the blockade. Qatar has purchased ad space on London taxi cabs, for posters denouncing the blockade. Qatar is also hiring a lobby firm founded by former Trump campaign aides—Saudi Arabia already has an existing

The Pentagon is just ignoring the tweets, until Trump provides some actual guidance on the policy.

They literally wrote the bill over lunch, held a press conference talking about how much it sucks and should never, under any circumstances, become law, and at least 50% chance it still passes. What the fuck.