Lack of Name

Or at least the Iraq war. Not splitting resources/expertise between two wars could've caused the Afghan war to play out differently .

Shouldn't a false flag attack not do actual damage to yourself? Like, you would frame somebody for breaking into your house, not kill yourself and try to make it look like murder.

Since most ER bills get challenged, they treat it as a negotiation and overcharge.

That's still really bad. Also, what about chronic long term conditions that require expensive medication? Or major surgery?

French Presidential candidate Macrons campaign was hacked, and there was a mass data dump on reddit. There hasn't been enough time to vet all the data, but it seems some of it—including documents about a secret offshore bank account that has no reason to be on campaign computers— is fake.

No you won't. Employers can choose which state insurance standards to use, so if you work for a national company and get insurance through work, you're in the same boat as everybody else.

I'm going to guess Susan Collins.

One of the votes that out AHCA over the top was Darrell Issa, who represents a district in California. California will not benefit from the AHCA tax credits at all.

I mention this upthread, but I think Pence will put it through on a tie breaker vote. That seems to be how controversial unpopular bills get through the Senate now.

My bet: one Republican Senator defects, Pence makes a big deal about casting the tie-breaking vote, and vulnerable House Republicans hide out during reconciliation.

See CNN headline: "Finally, a Victory for Trump"

True, but Democrats getting caught up on optics isn't a good look either. Singing "Hey Hey Goodbye" was the worst possible response.

Once all the poor people are dead, the survivors can get single payer!

Most churches that would want to get political come just short of endorsing politicians anyway. If there is any major change, it will be allowing political campaigns and churches to work together as one.

No, by classifying it as a budget item they only need a simple majority.

The AHCA is a disaster for everybody that might actually use insurance. Costs will go up for sick people across the board, if they're lucky enough to have insurance.

Religious conservatives think this is what will put them back on top. The separation between church and state gets a little weaker.

There is a major probability that if the House passes a bill tomorrow, it gets through the Senate as well. Flipside is, if tomorrow is another last minute defeat, it'll be dead for a long while. Now or never.

I'm guessing we're in for a major "who knew the Middle East was so complicated?" Tweetstorm .

They scheduled a vote on an earlier version of this very bill without the votes. Paul Ryan likes surprises I guess.