I only have an AVclub account. Spencer, Joe, Ciera, Kelly Wentworth
I only have an AVclub account. Spencer, Joe, Ciera, Kelly Wentworth
T-Dog? Is that you?
Well, Lets hope this season goes better.
Mike, Dan, Shirin, Max
Based on the preview I think John Rocker has some cringe left in the tank and he is going to give it 110% for a pull from behind victory.
I like Jeff Probst but it feels kinda like having that wacky grandfather that busts out a racist comments from time to time. You just face palm and move on.
I am happy I found the EW article today. I am going with..
Jaclyn Schultz
Dale Wentworth
Reed Kelly
Drew Christy
..May they finally lead me into the top ten.
I am in my usual place of almost cracking top 10. Maybe next episode Woo and Cliff reignite the bromance and Sarah will be booted creating a landslide for those above me. I can dream….
LJ McKana, Yung "Woo" Hwang, Sarah Lacina, Jeremiah Wood
For some reason I think the brains tribe is going to implode.
I always enjoy it when someone picks the unseen third option. It gives us such great madness as throwing away the entire game for a bad reason.
Let the Aras point side commence!
I may have lost John by my three remaining picks seems to be in control last episode. Tyson may you keep Laura M and Caleb from harm. Hopefully there is still a chance to make it to the big league.
I actually am enjoying watching Caleb as the man of mystery. I don't know if watching Coltan for 2 episodes was worth it though.
Well, looks like I still have a shot to break top 10 if John can win some more on redemption island. And umm Caleb.. nice move but please do not blow it… please.
Any season that has coconut bandits is alright by me. Infinity more fun then shoe shenanigans.
-Caleb Bankston
-Laura Morett
-Tyson Apostol
-John Cody
I made some poor picks in my pick 4 seeing how half my team is on redemption island.I am pulling over to change all 4 tires on this clunker.
We were picking for last right….
I was looking forward to this.
I got off bored after Panda rape. I cannot describe in words how truly and profoundly awful that was.
I got off bored after Panda rape. I cannot describe in words how truly and profoundly awful that was.