kebert xela

They two of my favorite books as well. I remember reading I, Claudius after getting in to Graves' poetry, and immediately identified with Claudius. Personally I would love to see this go to someone that is less interested in the spectacle and more in the intrigue. Having said that I am not at all a fan of the BBC

The actual group is no longer called Seal Team Six, it was changed to DEV-GRU, and they recently changed it again to something no one else knows.

Season One>Season Two?
I have to say I love last season and this season equally. I would argue that Basic Rocket Science, Cooperative Calligraphy, Mixology Certification, the Christmas episode, and the D&D episode are all classics on par with the best from Season 1. Abed's Dinner with Andre speech was genius as well.

What's Happening?
What really happened?

Thats my scent!
Mighty Joe John, the Black Blonde says "White Mike" is wack.

I dont think anyone can save this trainwreck at this point. Ive never heard of any movie going through three directors being successful.

Johny Utah is actually an homage to the one and only Joe Montana…is that John Candy?

There has to be a statute of limitations on spoilers. Otherwise I would feel uncomfortable telling you that Bruce Willis is actually a ghost at the end of Empire Strikes Back…

His retarded brother on OZ was played by his real life brother Scott William, who I believe is not, in fact, retarded.

til death
Never has show so aptly carried it title. This is by far the worst show to be on tv for a whole season in the last 25 years, and it lasted for four!

sniff…that's my scent!

its an altrenate universe/heaven where you meet all the most important people in your life. Also its an island

Overall I thought the show was uneven. The last four episodes however, make the show totally worth it.

Mariska Hagirtay is by far the worst actress working in television. Watch the show for five minutes, she delivers her lines with the same fraking expression every fraking time. I blows my mindhole that she won so many Emmys. Just horrendously terrible…

Is Southland as good as the Wire? No, but its better than 80% of the useless drivel thats out there, in addition to being 99% better than your mom.

As great as Ferrer was in Hot Shots, "Thanks Topper, now I can kill again!" I thought Crenna was fantastic, how hard must it normally be to do a send up of your most iconic character. And how he says "Go on…" as the sweat beads fall down his face when Ramada and Michelle have that conversation absolutely killed me.

Agreed, George Washington is a good movie, but I think DGG sometimes loses focus on the story.

shotgun stories
If you only see one movie with him in it, see Shotgun Stories. One of my favorite movies of the last year. Its basically a re-tooling of the Hatfields-McCoy feud. Absolutely fantastic