
I absolutely love this show! So,this probably has been commented on before, but I don't feel like reading nearly 2,000 comments—

The actor who plays Henry appears to actually be getting worse at acting if that's possible. How in the world did he ever get this part? Episodes revolving around Henry and Belle are always horrible because the actor/actress just can't act. It's like watching Luke on Modern Family try and fail miserably to act.

I disagree with the review. I thought it was another great episode from a fantastic show. I liked seeing how the future was finally altered and some lives saved. I also enjoyed Cole's explanation to Cassie that when he chose to save a life is when something finally changed for the better.
I do think they should have

Wasn't it super cowardly for one of the men not to volunteer themselves since women were getting threatened with death, and a pregnant woman at that? I think it was especially cowardly of Rick since he is the reason they are in this mess in the first place.

I totally called it that it would be Helen that would run him over. Though I didn't foresee that it would also be Alison that would push him, and also Noah's fault for distracting Helen and making her drive.

Yeah I really like Astrid's character.

Booo! I'm so mad about Quinn. And WTF is wrong with Carrie being so cold to both Saul and Quinn. I know she's supposed to be tough, but damn if this woman doesn't have a heart.

I thought it was a solid season (hopefully not series finale. A- for me.


I loved how they talked about Dr. Whales/Blaine's hair.

That's exactly what I thought they did.

It sounds like I'm the only one who liked this episode. I thought it was one of the funniest ones recently. Maybe I have a different sense of humor than other people. Luke's acting is so cringe worthy though. He just can't act.

I'm so glad I stuck with this show after a so-so 1st season. This season has just been fantastic! Coon and King better get Emmy nominations.

I just watched Season 1 episode 1 on Netflix. Season 1 was just amazing. The mood, atmosphere, suspense that was created in every episode was just amazing. I can't help but wonder what this series would be like if Frank Darabont had never left. After he left, it all just went downhill.

Welcome back trouble maker Oscar indeed. Interestingly, Oscar hates the Lockhearts, but he also hates Noah.

Sunday is my busiest tv night by far. The rest of the week, I watch maybe one show a night. But Sunday is The Leftovers (which is killing it this season), The Walking Dead (I haven't been really invested in the show in a while, but I watch it out of duty I guess), Homeland, The Affair, and Once Upon a Time (also

Alison-People look right through me—they just want to fuck me
Cole-No, that's not true, I see you
Cole-Okay, let's fuck
lol, even nice guy Cole is a typical man

I absolutely loved Noah's sister telling him the truth. That was a great exchange.

I also liked the subcontext when Yvonne told Noah about the advise she was given, that if you are having trouble picturing the end, then you did something wrong in the beginning. Alison and Noah started their relationship with lies and betrayal, and now they are having trouble figuring out what their future has in

At the time Noah is having these flashes that he ran over a woman type figure, Scottie is still alive, so why would it be guilt? The accident hasn't happened yet. I thought it was a good episode, and I agree Alison's arch was great. I'm so glad they didn't kill the dog, because I couldn't take that.