
Giant insect thing in a desert?

Giant insect thing in a desert?

Indeed. Just look at all those likes for "THE"

Indeed. Just look at all those likes for "THE"

We haven't seen December yet…he sort of looks like Windmark and acted like the leader of the Observers in seasons 1-4

We haven't seen December yet…he sort of looks like Windmark and acted like the leader of the Observers in seasons 1-4

The Observers just really like Mad Men

The Observers just really like Mad Men

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if teenagers/pre-teens (I can't tell anymore) didn't gather to have a nice, home-cooked dinner, with the only adult in sight a strange, older black rapper in a chicken costume.

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if teenagers/pre-teens (I can't tell anymore) didn't gather to have a nice, home-cooked dinner, with the only adult in sight a strange, older black rapper in a chicken costume.

Now that's what I call a sticky situation.

Now that's what I call a sticky situation.

O, the halcyon days of Antwan Mitchell are truly at an end. This, Mr. Anderson, is your future!

O, the halcyon days of Antwan Mitchell are truly at an end. This, Mr. Anderson, is your future!

Warren sure britta'd that car chase

Warren sure britta'd that car chase

Well, aside from the obvious schism between the abolitionists and the anti-abolitionists, there were economic factors, both domestic and inter–

Well, aside from the obvious schism between the abolitionists and the anti-abolitionists, there were economic factors, both domestic and inter–

"It’s as if Parker and Stone set up the visitors-in-town idea and then wandered away from it, because they have it in them to be as easily distracted as Officer Barbrady"

"It’s as if Parker and Stone set up the visitors-in-town idea and then wandered away from it, because they have it in them to be as easily distracted as Officer Barbrady"