
You'll find out in episode 810, "How Mac Got Thin"

You'll find out in episode 810, "How Mac Got Thin"

but then I'd have to watch CBS

but then I'd have to watch CBS

Not on DISH! And since you just saw this commercial, you must not have DISH. Grats! You win all the breaking bads and mad mens!

Not on DISH! And since you just saw this commercial, you must not have DISH. Grats! You win all the breaking bads and mad mens!

Jupiter's Cock!

Jupiter's Cock!

Seriously though - why an octopus? (Admittedly, I only tuned in for about 10 minutes, so maybe they explained it…)

Seriously though - why an octopus? (Admittedly, I only tuned in for about 10 minutes, so maybe they explained it…)

“Your parents are dead? God damn, you suck, Pip!”
One of my favorite Pip-jokes ever.

“Your parents are dead? God damn, you suck, Pip!”
One of my favorite Pip-jokes ever.



If you don't agree with how Chik-Fil-A spends a small part of their profits, don't go there. I have no problem with that. My problem is with the "join me or die" crowd on both sides. I'm going to Chik-Fil-A not because I agree with the philosophy a few men at the top might have, I'm going there because I like their

If you don't agree with how Chik-Fil-A spends a small part of their profits, don't go there. I have no problem with that. My problem is with the "join me or die" crowd on both sides. I'm going to Chik-Fil-A not because I agree with the philosophy a few men at the top might have, I'm going there because I like their

I'd say why this whole thing is stupid, for people on both sides, but "The Couch" episode of Seinfeld pretty much did so already. 18 years ago.

I'd say why this whole thing is stupid, for people on both sides, but "The Couch" episode of Seinfeld pretty much did so already. 18 years ago.

-I want a prequel spin-off about Walt's time at the box factory."

-I want a prequel spin-off about Walt's time at the box factory."