Nathan Israel

Satisfying, not mind-blowing.

And in other news, I see I put the slash in the wrong place. Also, fuck A-Rod. He's almost as bad as Walt.


Liking/and or watching THE NEWSROOM for enjoyment (and not of its horribleness) is an incurable delusion with no apparent causes. I've seen it strike otherwise totally reasonable people.

AMC trying to contribute to the catchphrasization of this show with that hashtag bullshit doesn't do it justice. Then again, nothing about AMC does justice to this show's greatness.

I'm starting to wonder if Breaking Bad has gotten too reliant on catchphrases and slick montages as Walt's persona has solidified into Aloof Badass. Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the desperate/floundering Walt days. Those were my favorite.

His camp got shelled and his commander (the real Don Draper) got killed. He switched tags, got a Purple Heart (I assume, dunno if we've ever actually seen it), and got discharged.

I loved Sue being "Helsynchronized" - the phone strapped to her ear was a pretty great image.

Please, Don's flown on planes before. He was scared because it was fucking stormy and they were in a little tin coffin. I think most people would've been more than a little nervous.

Higher budget (=even better set designs), no commercials, more realistic language and sex… don't really see how it could be worse.

It's finally fixed!!

Dom = dominant, as in the sexual fetish

Between Sylvia covering her tits with the bedsheet and the horribly fake plane ride, all this episode made me feel was, "Damn, I really wish this show was on HBO."

You really think he's just torturing him just to do it? There's absolutely no way they would drag this on for that long without some kind of big reveal. I seem to remember someone in the comments saying they spotted a Bolton banner in a chamber/castle in one of the episodes.

Simms must not have woken up yet.

Dude, from reading the reviews and Amazon your book actually seems to be good; why are you humblebragging about it on AVClub?

What's with all these idiotic pieces trying to debunk shit in works of fiction? This makes three if you count that "Don Draper's ads suck!" article.

It is the one where Michael drives into the lake, and there's nothing "retrospective" about the scorn it earned. At the time I (as well as many, many critics and commenters) thought it was the first step on the way to The Office jumping the shark.

You're definitely right. Has there been a scene this season?

Has no one talked about how unrealistic that rape scene was? I mean, I can accept Tiberius not having to pause to get it up because plotting/scheming (plus all those teenage hormones) gets him hot and bothered, but just slamming it in there with one thrust? Just like that? Really?