
I wasn't a fan when I visited but I am a bit biased by my love for the Hawkeyes. Everyone keeps telling me it's great though.

There is still a record store there as of my last visit a month ago or so. I can't remember it's name but I'm pretty sure I know the one you are thinking.

I was smiling ear to ear like the fucking tourist I am the first real hipster I saw when I visited NYC. It was like learning unicorns are real and seeing one in real life. I just assumed the weird hipster population Des Moines was some reaction to the perceived sensibiities characterized in popular culture.

A friend of mine went to Saint Louis University for a semester before transferring to Iowa and he told me people at SLU used to ask him if he grew up with electricity. People from fucking Missouri!

I feel like there's a good joke there.

It was unfortunately not Vodka Sam, that was well after my time. Though I did know many like her. There are a lot of people that come from the Chicago suburbs to just party like hell and pay an absurd level of tuition. They are the reason I hate the Cubs to this day.

Oh Steve King and the people that vote for him…

I don't like the show very much but that might be the only episode I liked. The reason is she portrayed all her old 'friends' as you say - very unsophisticated and naive about their abilities. Her friend the dancer is the best example…she thought she was good and would make it in LA or whatever. I liked the episode

Ironically the main complaint of the more ignorant undergrads when I went there was there were too many Asians in graduate programs.

Well you don't get to be the number 1 party school without a little girls gone wild type filming.

I may have to answer when the Alumni foundation calls next time. Looks like the University is getting a fat check. The only question is…how much is banning the filming of Girls, the show worth to me?

Seriously? Iowa City is a great time. Visiting authors, poets, lecturers all the time…politicians during election cycles and all the beer/liquor you can drink basically in a 3 block radius.

NEVER AT THE EXPENSE OF ART @avclub-21cb1137b6aab4de4328a8c698770071:disqus

George RR Martin reminds me of the Sci Fi author in Party Down? All he really wants is coke off a 19 year olds tits.

Ah good catch. I'm so used to Aussies and Brits pulling the American Accent I barely even notice anymore.

I guess…I don't understand why she has to be kidnapped? I think there is an interesting examination of American Culture vs Arabic to be had and I'm none to shocked that it probably won't be found here.

I don't mind Haley aside from her whole schtick being 'The girl carrying Klaus's kid whom you might remember from her brief stint on TVD' but I swear to you and to God…I did not know she was supposed to have any sort of accent. It must be pretty inconsistent or I have a terrible ear.

This book is the reason I know what the word apprehensive means.

I'd say HBO would rock. Keep it the fuck away from AMC though. Mad Men and Breaking bad were from a different era.

I thought WWZ would have made a better TV show or miniseries than movie. It could follow the book more closely…just give me a three episode arc for each point of view or something. Maybe I'm simple, but I'd like that a lot.