
Yeah, it just strikes me as lazy. If Lizzie and Micah were two adult characters no one would really care that much about this episode because they were kind of empty vessels. Crazy guy likes zombies, kills his friend and then the main character kills him.

I think this would be an interesting anthology style show. New cast every few episodes or every season. New part of the world/country…dealing with similar/different issues and arcs.

No offense taken. I prefer stories with strong characters which is why I don't tend to like this show. If I tuned in next week and the cast was completely replaced, it would effectively be the same show to me.

Yeah, I'm shocked so many people had grown attached to those two characters. Aside from them being kids, I didn't they had enough development for me to give a shit.

Gotcha, that explains a lot. I was sitting here thinking Tyrese was just ignoring it or something.

Christ, there's a spinoff? Dare I ask…?

I thought Rick or Daryrl told Tyrese that Carol killed those two people earlier after Rick exiled her….did that not happen?

This show seems good at drawing 'Brilliant' as an adjective from most people I talk to. I have never understood it.

Thanks, I have since found that out and am wrestling with Sony to remember my password and watching via Amazon on PS4. Soon. Soon…

I was looking forward to this since it was announced. I couldn't back the kickstarter because it happened right as I traveled abroad and I didn't have access. Now I just found out that it's not playing here. I'm devastated.

Well, I learned something today. Thank you!

I saw it more as Marshall adjusting what his dreams were when given new information. Earlier he said being a judge was his dream and Lily wanted him to shit on it. When he found out she was pregnant he remembered his dream was to have a family and the rest doesn't matter.

That was stationed overseas with military, not frolicking abroad.

Is that the one about duty?

I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet and popped in to scan the review and saw that picture at the top. Now I assume the episode was about Drew telling Amy she needs to start pulling her weight so she started hooking. Drew starts as reluctant in the role of pimp but quickly grows into a fearsome

Ahhh I'd forgotten about the vengeance angle. Good call there. Also to clarify, I found it interesting when compared to the other people he was taking downs' motivations; not inherently interesting in and of itself.

One of the more interesting things about Underwood to me is that his absolute corruption seems to only be in service to gaining more power, not more wealth. Unless I am forgetting something from the first season, I don't think we have seen him utilize his corruption super powers to achieve personal profit. All the

Oh shit!

That's a special kind of cynical (of Disney, not you). I feel for the intern whose job it is to update a 5 year old's instagram profile.

Not to take away from the horribleness….but why does a 5 year old have an instagram account?