
House MD.

I thought it was funny that during his little rant about love and people thinking he was crazy to Jeanette the show didn't actually acknowledge that he just described Jeanette to a T (from her standpoint).

If only Victor would have tried a little harder in school he wouldn't have been held back and that wouldn't have caused a rift. Kid just can't catch a break.

She's certainly abrasive but I wouldn't say she's selfish (in this case at least). As I understood it, part of Max being in a classroom is to observe and learn social skills. He doesn't need to know when the railroad was invented…he needs to learn to wait his turn to speak or not to flip shit when someone says

I'm calling it right now. first hire: A bright young woman fresh from random Ivy League school (Columbia?) with a degree in Education and some certificate or such thing in Special Education. Welcome to your class Haddie Braverman.

I wasn't wowed by this but I was interested. The main 'Oh hey there moment' for me was the end with the brutality of the Captain in that fight as well as the reveal right before about his overall worldview/goal.

That sells me. Now if only CBS wasn't so stingy about catching up…

I kind of love how Camille is basically a college sophomore back from a semester abroad now.

Awesome, that makes me happy. I know CBS carries a few episodes but is there any legal way to catch up from the beginning?

Maybe I will have to take another look at Elementary. i watched the first several episodes and enjoyed it but I couldn't shake the fear that CBS was going to push the two leads into bed.

That's a good insight and I agree with what you are saying. I didn't think about Zeke's role not changing. Will Katims hit us with a Camile/Zeke split right after a Joel/Julia split?!

When did she ask him to go to Italy? I remember him specifically saying that he hadn't been invited to Julia when she was sticking up for her mom.

So Zeke was kind of horrible to Camille their entire lives an steam rolled her dreams right? If so, I can see why it seems like she's being so awful but that's a life we haven't seen so it's hard for me to sympathize with Camille. Just fucking ask Zeke to go with you.

Was the whole cast recast or was Clay considered the lead? Also Scott Glenn seems like a good choice but I sincerely can't think of anyone else in that role at this point except Perlman.

So…who was the original lead casted in Sons of Anarchy?

It would sure be swell if my cable company didn't consider it a sports channel and require me to buy an expanded sports package so I could watch FXX.

I like the girl they cut off in the publicity photo on the left there. She must be an important member of the cast.

"I understand the narrative purpose for why the writers have moved in that direction, but it also makes me wonder how the hell S.H.I.E.L.D. could become so powerful if it’s always fucking up."

My uncle took me to pick up Final Fantasy X (which I very much enjoyed) and I had to stand outside in the cold for a bit before I went into the store. I don't remember why. It was open, there was some other reason.

I'm waiting for a proper Zelda game and a proper Metroid game. Or a crazy sale.