
As soon as he shared personal details, he was not long for this world.

If twitter's any indication; a lot of bad things.

Jedi Outcast remains my favorite Star Wars game.

Hey she owns it now!

Yeah and to Zach's point, I'm relatively certain is was heavily implied that Michonne and Andrea got it on so they are at least bi.

I remember hearing that the executive that brought in Breaking Bad and Mad Men was ushered out of AMC. Is that true?

I prefer Feliver.

I actually saw a girl in the real world who looked exactly like Summer Glau once. There is a 5% chance it was her based on where it was but either way I did not have the will to approach her.

My guess: He searched for it immediately after getting settled from the escape. Then after a roll in the hay with his ex-wife it hit him! Periods! I'll let you discern how that particular epiphany came to him.

Horrible Bosses: The Suicide Pact

Not worth it.

No kidding, what has Dennings done to garner so much good will that we could forget that crappy show?

See when I read "reading every script, every story, and giving notes and rewrites." I assumed it actually meant "Calm down nerds, your Lord and Master is still involved. Please watch this."

No I am just assuming. Every time I think of her shifting I cringe thinking about the biology. Because I am a nerd.

Hey that's fine. So long as I know I'm not crazy. Same thing happened to me with The Challenge, when I would notice. I wasn't around last night to check this time.

Interesting. My running theory is that they are updating whether it's a rerun or new late or something. My DVR is set to only record new episodes.

Random question for folks here…do you have any issues with MTV shows and DVR? My DVR didn't record this week's episode. I thought maybe I had forgotten to set it for the season and skipped to next week to set it up but it's already set. so it just didn't record this weeks for some reason. It has done the same

Agreed completely with the Elijah/Hayley shipping. Your treading a fine line Hayley…don't get all googly eyed over the first dude offering to protect you.

I think I like Davina more now for sure. It also colors Marcel's motivations more than just wanting to control the quarter. That's just a side affect of what is kind of doing the right thing.

Agreed, but last week or whenever they showed that Divina can really ruin their day by tossing them around like it's nothing.