
I do that exact same thing but with French Silk Pie.

Thank you sir. Exactly what I was looking for.

I would be interested in the names of one or more of those books as I am a dummy and would like to learn more.

Yes. Penis stuff.

I look forward to the eventual episode where she gets mad at boring guy and is trained by May.

What if this were a stealth reboot of Terriers? Same cast and everything…same plot…just in Hawaii. It's all a ruse to get Fox to greenlight something they think is capturing the zeitgeist from like 3 years ago or whenever Hawaii 5-0 rebooted?

Shit, we called it the same thing. How did this stuff propagate before the internet?!

Well legality doesn't currently apply since they aren't really paid a dime anyway. I'm saying that what they get currently is more than it sounds and parts of it could be vastly improved.

For a lot of majors, that's all a degree is though. It's a confirmation that you did indeed show up and your check didn't bounce. It's a piece of paper allowing you to basically apply to be part of the middle class or above.

This is a good point. Is the correct answer here to pay the athletes or to hold them to higher academic standards though? If they aren't getting anything out of the 'free education' then that are certainly being ripped off and that should be dealt with.

Don't they still have to pay her for that?

and Terriers!

I think the show suffers from no 'village of the week' episodes that the first series had.  Those were usually the best episodes for character work and table setting.  Still love both series though.

I might have had more patience for this if not for the laugh track but I thought it was awful.  No laughs, lot of eye rolls and fair amount of disappointment.

I like Spader but man…I don't know if I like him that much.  The music seemed obtrusive at points..especially that last scene.  It reminded me of something I heard Vince Gilligan say on his Nerdist appearance along the lines of work that is set to a whole lot of music is indicative of a lack of confidence in the

Did this warranty cover power train issues?  Asking for a friend.

Is this the same show they tried to put after Madmen once?  I watched that one and remember the client picked the hands down worst pitch.  It was crazy and made me hate it.

I thought the Mike flashback scenes were dull and Trevor is just the worst but I think they were meant o show how fiercely loyal he is and how exploited that trait has been in the past.

I agree.

Thanks for the information everyone.  I'd be upset but I do genuinely come here for information wrapped in an insult.