The Great Valerio

I think Digestivo contains (at least) the top 3 most FUCKING INSANE things I've ever seen on television. Notice I dropped the usual "Network television" qualifier— the three most fucking insane things in ALL OF TELEVISION.

1. I just looked at the IMDB for this, and the cast list is almost exhausting to read for how many talented people are in this.

"She's built like a lineman, and has Cabbage Patch-like features! AND HER ASS MAKES ME FURIOUS!"

I'm genuinely upset that Gillian Anderson wasn't alive in the '40s to play a classic film noir femme fatale. I mean Jesus Christ, can you even fathom how amazing it would be to see Anderson play a Stanwyck-ish role in a Double Indemnity-type movie in 1944?

It can be two things.

Her dramatic chair-turn was a thing of beauty.

City Folk were portrayed pretty viciously too though, and I think it's worth mentioning that the most decent people on the show (Kimmy, Titus, Dong, Cindy) are all from small towns.

Joan Cusack or GTFO.


There's a special kind of tragedy to not finding out that a character's hilarious until minutes before she leaves the series.

There's a 6'6" tall sentient piece of garbage that I work with, and I'll always be grateful to this show for providing inspiring insults to think about while he's making my job harder.

I doubt it. I'm the gayest man I know, and I still want to marry her.

Gavaris nailed it. I didn't know tapping someone on the head with paintbrush could be sort of terrifying.

His scene with Rachel a couple weeks ago might be my favorite in the series.

Gavaris doesn't get nearly enough credit. He is Maslany's equal in so many ways.

Oh shit, if that's what causes Donnie's "Helena, what did you do?" from the promo for next week, I can't even.

*Power bottom

The fact that I get physically angry whenever someone tries to give him shit about taking Allison's last name says a lot about how much I've grown to love that character.

KRISTIAN FUCKING BRUUN. I can't believe it took me 2.5 seasons to realize how amazing he is on this show.

"You're one of a kind." I would have wept if I had a soul.