The Great Valerio

BRING HER BACK. Seriously, I fucking love the idea of Krystal tripping and falling into the inner circle. Hyperbolic praise for Maslany is pretty played out at this point, but goddammit she is so good at nailing characters to the point where you worry about them coming back as if you're hoping a totally different

"Will there be nudity?"
"CAN there be?"
"…I'll do it anyway."

Besides the shockingly good reviews, I'm mostly planning to watch this because I'm still irritated that House of Cards basically wasted her and I just want to see someone let her be awesome.

The score from Mizumono could be its own album.

The entire costuming department has such a huge crush on Gillian Anderson, and I love it.

Pizza leftovers that I stole from work and cheap Walgreens wine.

Is it wrong that I've cycled through all five stages of "What the fuck is this?" and spun all the way around to kind of looking forward to this show?

At work a couple years ago, I was asked to assistant-engineer a recording session for a woman that did children's folk music. The session was quaint, and pleasant, and she was probably one of the nicest people I've ever recorded for. I couldn't figure out why I recognized her, so I Googled her name, and 80 image

Mine was Rene Russo.

IT'S BACK. Girl, I'm buying wine tonight, I don't care if I don't actually have any money.

I still remember the first time I saw Mizumono— ordinarily I bail out of a video once the closing credits starts rolling, but by the time the episode was over, I was so emotionally exhausted that I just kind of stared blankly at the screen as the credits rolled all the way through. And then before I knew it that damn

I love this show more than most things, but it needs to stop where it stopped. It stuck the landing better than any show as troubled as this one, and to just leave it there would cement the ending's place as being basically a magic trick.

Ironically, the episode that served his character the best was the one after he died.

I wouldn't rank it as a classic series finale through-and-through, but I would definitely rank it as an absolute classic in how to cleverly end a show that's been as battered and bruised as this one has been over the last few years.

I would normally agree, but my whole thing is that I feel like the characters have been so hobbled by the contrivances it takes to keep them together after six years of community college, that an explicit reflection on "WHY ARE THE TV GODS KEEPING US HERE?" is about as good of a justification as we can expect.

I loved that so much. That's part of why I can't imagine any of them seriously considering a Season 7— there were a lot of scorched earth elements in the finale, and Dean and Britta's fucks definitely felt like two of them.

I wish I read this before I posted something incredibly similar and felt super self-satisfied for thinking of it first. DAMMIT.

I died.

The breathless lists were pure Ants-In-Eyes to me.