The Great Valerio

The Season Six finale was also a better series finale than most shows' actual series finales.


I will probably never watch CSI: Cyber, but reading about that stockpile of lunacy has become a fun hobby for me.

"She's built like a lineman, with Cabbage Patch-like features!"

"…like some sort of CRAZY PERSON?!" was the hardest I've laughed in a while.

I generally agree with you on that last sentence, but as a gay man that's been ridiculed for my activities, I appreciate someone taking dumb straight dudes to task by pointing out "Hey, think about what YOU'RE into for a second". 99.9% chance it was an unintentional side effect, but I was happy anyway.

It takes about zero effort for me to imagine her as the woman singing after Maddie is killed as everyone in the bar just randomly, cosmically loses their shit.

I honestly don't think I could handle this show if Fuller's perspective of the show wasn't so damn adorable.

Somewhere out there, The Thinkpiece Goblin just felt a chill and doesn't know why yet.

If the show was just about Dawn, it could only be called "And Don't Call Me Shirley." A more flawless title doesn't exist.

Remember when a lovable scamp had a schizophrenic episode and cut off his nipple and very politely gave it in a nice box to his supervisor so that the computers wouldn't turn him gay?

Oh my god. I just tried this for the hell of it and that's some Dark Side of Oz shit right there. The rhythm is perfect, and even the shifts of the song seemed aligned with shifts in the video.

It's worth watching to enjoy the episode in a vacuum, and then enjoy the hypothetical 2.5 seasons after and 3.5 seasons prior that you come up with in your imagination, because damn near any figurative cartilage you come up with will be miles better than what actually happened.

"4. I forgot to mention that they made Shane&Jenny a couple in that awful final season. That is the biggest "no." eevvverrr."

What's funny to me is that shows that wholeheartedly try to speak to the """gay experience""" end up being basically gay science fiction. I mean really, what universe did QAF or TLW take place in?

Tasha deserved to be the star of a spinoff with better writers. Same for Carmen. Shit, same for half of them probably.

She really does deserve a medal for taking a character so terribly written that she seemed to be from a different planet every season and leaning into it with so much balls-to-the-wall gonzo that I vaguely, kind of bought it.

Years later, I still have night terrors about Daniela Sea's performance. It's honestly probably the worst performance I've seen on television that was allowed to continue for at least four entire seasons.

Is anyone else completely baffled by this site insisting on doing reviews of seasons based on everything EXCEPT the finale?

No one's calling it a slur, the issue is that transgender refers to people born with the wrong anatomy, and transsexual refers to people that have chosen to surgically correct that. It's an extension of "gender" referring to internal and "sex" referring to external. It's semantics, but important semantics for