The Great Valerio

"Two: Whenever Martha's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking, 'Was Martha murdered?'"

I would like to copy this and shrink it down into a business card and then order 500 of those business cards and buy a special case to hold all 500 and carry them with me at all times so throughout my day I can hand them to people that I come across who have been told.

Re: 12 Years: "Also: The cast is wildly uneven."

The Inception Fallacy: "'Complicated' and 'smart' are not necessarily the same thing."

I had this exact thought and it made me feel weird.

If Maribel Verdu was next, I'd be happy.


God that was amazing. Kartheiser's comic timing improves every year.

He was doing so well above the neck that I was happy to pretend that the ascot didn't exist.

I was into it.

Especially since when he came in completely unhinged to announce he wouldn't need their severance, I was near-convinced he was going to kill himself right there. I can't possibly be the only one that thought that.

Even as a gay man, I totally had a moment when she tossed her leg onto the ottoman or whatever that was.

I remember there being a weird backlash against her while season 4 was happening, and I remember being completely baffled by it.

The only thing that angers me more than people calling MM boring is people calling it overly serious. I mean, it has its moments, but come on.

If we're swapping the Paul, Sal, and Megan selections out for episodes with amazing arcs for legit minor characters, I'd like to nominate the episode where Dawn gets promoted, the last Anna Draper episode in Season 4, and Rachel Menken's last appearance in Season 1.

I forgot how amazing the Zou Bisou Bisou scene is. It really is a collection of about three dozen of the best reaction shots ever committed to film.

I would watch the shit out of a Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern episode starring Dawn and Shirley.

God, that promo. I had never liked that song before, but that promo endeared me to it.

"Dreams" or GTFO