The Great Valerio

The actress is great. It sometimes amazes me how well The Americans overcomes the "Protagonist's teenage child is always the most annoying or least interesting part of the show" curse that seems to plague almost all serious dramas. For the longest time, Sally Draper was the only one to outrun that, but The Americans

She died.

Sold, let's do this.

"You think I sound like Jeff. Jeff thinks I sound like Abed." if she's really some crazy amalgamation of the whole group, I would love if she had some sort of sexual preference that could only be measured in sevenths to align her with the dean.


The number of times they flipped Mantzoukas' position around was really impressive.

Aaaaand I might be on board with this theory.

I agreed with you during the first three episodes, but the show's new pacing is growing on me. I feel like it's starting to gel as a less manic, more casual show that happens to include lines such as "Like Sidney Poitier and Meg Ryan before you, you were cast for your race", which is a vintage Community line if I've

The thing that I respect most about the ending is that, for a millisecond, it convinced that falling for the Devil felt AWESOME. It's a beautiful, terrifying, clusterfuck of an ending.

I think Glover was always the show's best comedian, and Brie was the show's best honest-to-God actor. Especially when you watch Annie and Trudy Campbell back-to-back. Especially when the Trudy Campbell bit you're watching for comparison is the "I WILL DESTROY YOU" scene.

I find myself saying that in real life all the time lately.

I was surprised by Affleck, but Hamm would have been a way better fit for GG's "thisclose to being a comedy" tone.

The good news is that season 3 is much more tolerable (still terrible, but much more tolerable) when you're watching with the knowledge that Johnny dies a completely random, pointless, and stupid death. It makes his scenes much more bearable.

Yeah, it's really a shame that there's no getting around Boreanaz aging 10 years (plus an extra seven since the character was introduced), because Angel really is a show that would have benefited from the revival wave. Not Fade Away worked as a series finale as a fluke, but that show was absolutely not done yet.

I just got chills.

I would totally watch a dramatic re-enactment of The Apprentice: Martha Stewart.

This is so baffling and arbitrary that I probably won't believe this isn't an Onion-related hoax until a week after the finale airs.

This feels like a 30 Rock joke, and I feel like I'm saying that more often with each passing year.

I love that the line can sound either weirdly sexual or like a legit threat depending on your mood. I mean really, what the fuck?

I'm gay as all hell, but I would gladly wife her up for the Pedestrian At Best lyrics alone. She's so goddamn good at her job.