Mrs. Dooshebaghe

This must be very exciting for you, you've replied to every single comment. On a Saturday evening. I bet this is the closest you've ever been to feeling popular.

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus it's funny because it's true! Your mom really is a whore who doesn't love you! How does it feel to be sitting around on a Saturday night making jokes about your mother having venereal disease in lieu of human contact? Marginally better than suicide, if I had to hazard a

Sorry, I tried to abort him but got one of those cheapo back alley deals and it didn't take. He isn't good for much, but he can hold over a gallon of semen in stomach and has no gag reflex.

Once I had an abortion. It didn't take. I named it @avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus .

Son, I didn't raise you to lie. Your mouth is full of meat way more than once every other week.

I considered aborting you and I also considered keeping you for the welfare checks. In the end I met in the middle and got a back alley abortion which didn't quite take. I named it Snidely.

It's impressive how you were able to say all that with a cock in your mouth. Like mother, like son!

Now son, the free market is what allowed me to make a living giving nickel blowjobs after I was impreganated with you. Remember where you came from.

Nobody knows skanky whores like my son @avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus ! I was able to afford the tuition for his special school for mentally retarded children by swallowing gallons of sperm professionally. It doesn't appear that the school did him much good, but I had fun.