
this is not a new band, this is their third album. one of their songs was even on "Drinking Buddies" a couple of years ago: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

"Is Edward Norton even in a movie this year?" — well, maybe not technically, but he sure is in Grand Budapest Hotel, which trailer just dropped this past week and also explains the Wes Anderson spoof? (Bruce Willis remains unexplained)

hop into DeLorean, go back seven years and stay up late to watch them play "7/4 Shoreline" on a random Wednesday on Conan still at Late Night, check out Feist play live on her "Let it Die" tour, rejoice when "Swimmers" plays during Mac's absurdly sweet love scene on "Veronica Mars", make room on your post-rock folder

aren't Kings of Leon some of the most notorious early patron saints of hipsterism? I think they were amongst the first wankers to attempt to legitimise (shirtless) vest-wearing for the ironically tacky folk, now a staple of nouveau boybands' wardrobe. which is fitting, as seeing both groups share Maroon 5's

aren't Kings of Leon some of the most notorious early patron saints of hipsterism? I think they were amongst the first wankers to attempt to legitimise (shirtless) vest-wearing for the ironically tacky folk, now a staple of nouveau boybands' wardrobe. which is fitting, as seeing both groups share Maroon 5's

Loving this season, loving this cast, even in spite of duds like The Californians or the Vin Diesel spoof. Pre-taped stuff was gold, Winners/losers had me in tears (shout out to Homeland, holla!), and the last skit is one to remember for the rest of the season.

Loving this season, loving this cast, even in spite of duds like The Californians or the Vin Diesel spoof. Pre-taped stuff was gold, Winners/losers had me in tears (shout out to Homeland, holla!), and the last skit is one to remember for the rest of the season.

anyone else noticed Roya actually calls Brody "Nicholas"? right off the bat on their first meeting, here replayed in the "Previously on Homeland…" bit.

anyone else noticed Roya actually calls Brody "Nicholas"? right off the bat on their first meeting, here replayed in the "Previously on Homeland…" bit.

(i find naming such an obviously dupe character Xander quite a spot-on homage to the yesteryears of Gordon's Whedonversing, even if said Whedonversing is comprised of some of the lamest episodes in Buffy's history (Ted, Bad Eggs, Inca Mummy Girl etc), the unfortunate half of my favourite season (the second), but I'm

(i find naming such an obviously dupe character Xander quite a spot-on homage to the yesteryears of Gordon's Whedonversing, even if said Whedonversing is comprised of some of the lamest episodes in Buffy's history (Ted, Bad Eggs, Inca Mummy Girl etc), the unfortunate half of my favourite season (the second), but I'm

i was actually surprised he wasn't dead by the end of the episode. his failure to disclose Brody's interaction with Roya to Carrie seemed too blatant to sustain him as a non-disposable character. how often is mischievousness so overt in Homeland? in a show with such little room for predictability, it would be

i was actually surprised he wasn't dead by the end of the episode. his failure to disclose Brody's interaction with Roya to Carrie seemed too blatant to sustain him as a non-disposable character. how often is mischievousness so overt in Homeland? in a show with such little room for predictability, it would be

wonder if they could make it available for free online, a la Yale Open Courses… how keen is NYU on that sort of thing?

wonder if they could make it available for free online, a la Yale Open Courses… how keen is NYU on that sort of thing?

not to mention the new, legitimately funny women who seem to be sharing a fair - if not equal - amount of airtime with the guys, for once, while brewed talent such as Hader and Sudeikis propel their way through a hell of a nice momentum with little room for ego. a breath of fresh Saturday Night air.

not to mention the new, legitimately funny women who seem to be sharing a fair - if not equal - amount of airtime with the guys, for once, while brewed talent such as Hader and Sudeikis propel their way through a hell of a nice momentum with little room for ego. a breath of fresh Saturday Night air.

isn't anyone else rejoicing at this being first season in several years to actually bring creative comedy writing back to the table instead of almost solemnly relying on countless, tiresome parodies, spoofs and over-the-top impersonations?

isn't anyone else rejoicing at this being first season in several years to actually bring creative comedy writing back to the table instead of almost solemnly relying on countless, tiresome parodies, spoofs and over-the-top impersonations?

where's Gordon Ramsey when you need him?