
Hollywood's easing off on Chinese villains because China has lots of investment money that they like to hold over people's heads. And they've been complaining a lot about negative depictions of China and Chinese. And I can't see Muslim fundamentalists fitting into the show.

This season seems to be the character assassination season. They made James an ass, Stewart an ass, and Clint an ass. Granted, Stewart didn't really have a previously established person, but I'm still pissed. I liked James and Clint before.

I think the wedding weekend thing is kind of a rich person thing. I only read about it in the gossip pages. I've been to brunch the day after the wedding at best.

I thought I was the only human on earth who liked Leonard and Penny. (They made her extra dumb this episode though, with the flavor packet bit.)

I'm not a big cheesecake person, but the food's pretty good. They have some bizarre state of the art computer system so food is always supposed to come out fast and everyone's dishes together. They supply all the cupcakes/cookies/desserts to our local B&N cafe too, very yum.

Sava drives me nuts because while most commenters joke about the laugh track, I think Sava really believes there is one.

It's a live audience. 

It's a live audience, actually.  And the show is huge with Republicans/conservatives/people-you-wouldn't-expect-to-be-the-target-demographic (not just geeks on the coasts), so there's lots of people to fill those seats.