a repo man out to lunch

Thank you

Repo Man rules!

Their second release is a huge fave for me also, more straight out rock but it's a cracking album.

You need to find a new bunch of ladies. The girls I saw it with are big fans of the genre.

Rip it Up is a great book, looking forward to Retromania.
On another note, he is spot on about Mojo and Uncut. I used to collect Uncut when it started, then it de-volved into this constant Beatles/Dylan/Who/Neil Young worship paper, really gave me the shits.

Hey Nathan

She is brilliant in Control. But also great in everyting else I've seen her in. Quality actress.

Lager, Lager, Lager!

Anyone read the original (and somewhat violent) Eastman and Laird comics of TMNT? Now that would make for a decent movie.

Also a huge fan of the Dirk Gently Detective series. Douglas Adams did some fine work.

"played by Tygh Runyan"

He wants more chips and salsa

Your call if you want to bring your baby.

A friend of mine is always banging on about how music never got any better than the Stooges or the Velvet Underground and it annoys the piss out of me. In fact, I use him as part of the motivation to keep listening to new music (a background in record store retail never hurt either).

this movie is awesome

a quantum of dollars

life ain't nuthin' but bitches and money

Agreed Mycroft - great track and awesome to drive to

@IMC - diary gold, more entries please.

when is 'Bored Sexbot' a problem?