
Netflix would have never made this mistake!

They should have Elizabeth Olsen play Michelle. Would be funny.

Barry is not the problem. The hydrogen "particle" (atom? nucleus?) is the problem. If it hits any one of the million trillion trillion gas molecules in the chamber it changes direction and loses speed disrupting the whole process. Real particle accelerators have to use ultra-high vaccuums to even get close to making

I'm glad you made the Cary analogy, since it shows in comparison what shoddy writing/planning is in this finale.

I could write an entire article about the problems this season, but I'll just point out this little bit from the last two episodes.

In my observation, the main thing I think DC is missing is that the Nolan Batmans didn't work so well just because they were "dark and gritty," but because they also existed in a realistic universe. This is also why Daredevil works so well as a show. Superman, as a character, is always a bit fantastical. Dark +

Anyone else kinda happy that Alicia got screwed over? For me, she has just been so unlikable this season. Ever since Will's death, really.


Just need to marry musicals to the hottest new craze. Anna Kendrick is…. Marvel's Squirrel Girl!

What are you going to do? Release the dogs or the bees, or the dogs with bees in their mouth so that when they bark they shoot bees at you?

Do these people not have logic?
Dale says he has the HII, yet he decided to NOT use it last tribal when he and his daughter were GUARANTEED votes! Red flags, anyone?

Needs more Kyle Katarn.

Plot prediction: Varrick manages to harness/weaponize spirit energy for Kuvira. Kuvira decides for "security reasons," that she needs a large stockpile of spirit vines, and which place in the world is #1 in spirit vines? Republic City! Cue the Battle of Republic City.

Spartacus was far and away #1 for audible reactions during fight sequences. Too bad that its aesthetic is unreproducable.

In my idea of a remake, Ghostbusters exists as it does in reality- only as a movie. The main characters are fans of the movies (rightfully so), and live normal lives until one day they discover that ghosts are actually real. They then decide to as-best-they-can recreate things from the movie to combat the real ghosts.

I think it's a great credit to the writers that Korra's absence is felt so prominently. Just think back to "Beginnings" in Book 2, when many people LAUDED the lack of Korra due to her insufferable behavior in the 1st half of that book. Now a year later, Korra is very much wanted and her absence brings tension instead