Chrome Sitar

Are there any of the Billy Joel style songs (Underdog, Cherrybomb) on this one?

We're coming to your town, we're gonna party down, we're an american band!

I totally agree about Don't Tell A Soul being underrated. I still think it played a large part in influencing the 90's alt-country fad.
Personally I think Open Season is also a really good album. There is an EP's worth of really good Westerberg on that and anybody getting into him should pick it up. Its great pop

I think Kill For Love is going to be tough to beat. You guys didn't even review it but it is a gorgeous album.

My problem with binging on a series is that all the formulas and generic television-y side stories really stick out. Only the absolute best of TV can really be binged.

Their first album was one of my faves last year…but this one just isn't working for me. Too much Smashing Pumpkins maybe.

Today is Our Life
To me Today is Our Life sounded like the BeeGees playing power pop. I have listened to it alot, but I am not sure I am picking this one up just yet.

He is the Joe-Six pack Auteur. Guys like Walter Hill are the saving grace for cable channels like Showtime. Watching these movies growing up in the 80's was the best.

Dirty Beaches sounds more like a Suicide rip. Sweet 17 is like Suicide doing The Ventures.

Munster's 89 sounds like my 89 along with Don't Tell a Soul and New York

One of the best Blues albums ever recorded came out in '77…Hard Again by Muddy Waters

which would have been the better movie anyway…

Although mose hate it, The Wise Up scene from Magnolia

They are supposed to be funny…

Here is some more appreciation for Mirageman. Very silly but touching at times.


Gettin Hungry off of Wild Honey. I think it was a single but NOBODY would remember it.

I'm with you on Bowie's maudlin piano ballads (hows about R'n'R With Me)and Lady Stardust is my fave tune of an amazing catalogue.
T.Rex - Soul of My Suit
Reed - Wait
Nick Gilder-Runaways in the Night

Plastic Surgery Disasters is THE best DK album. Of all their material, that album cracks me up the most. And Moon over Marin is great