The Last Nigga on Earth

If they did this, NPR would guarantee that I would join as a contributing member.

cool story bro. totally plausible, too.

If that actually happened, that's fucking hilarious (and i assume the second "tenth" is a typo).


It's not the length, it's the utterly dull subject matter, and the utterly banal way of describing it. To wit: Ted Hughes writes much longer, and much more enjoyable poetry in his books on Crow, while very short poetry can be dull as a bowling ball. Take, for example, the following (actual poem):

Well, it's horribly boring. How's that?

@Winston: he also said Central Asia, which, depending on your geography, could include India. And since Persians aren't Arab, casting them in Arab parts makes as much sense as casting Honky McWhitebread from Illinois.

No kidding. Ossie Davis is the man.

Yeah, they get laid, but they get laid by women who are a) gold diggers; 2) horrifically insecure; d) drunk off their goddam asses. All of that can be within your reach, if you either get a shitload of money, dramatically lower your standards, or heartily enjoy date rape. Possibilities!

as a movie star myself…
I heartily approve of the recasting decision.

Hilarious, guitarjelly.

Hey, I LIVE in fucking Virginia. Fuck you!

Starz is almost as awesome as ZMF. Take that as you will.

Yeah, but she's fucking Miley fucking Cyrus. It's not like she's a professional ho-bag like the other Hilton, Spears and Lohan - she's supposed to be all wholesome and shit. Wholesome is her bread and butter. This is all kinds of wrong.

Lindsey Lohan should play Marilyn
Seriously. Lindsey Lohan. Her "Last Call" or whatever photo shoot - scrumtrulicious! Also, if you stuff her full of cheeseburgers for about a week, she'll get the Marilyn body back.

Thank God. I thought I was the only one who watched Deer Hunter and was underwhelmed. The Vietnam scenes were awesome. The rest… not so much. Got-damn, what a boring-ass movie.

Well Doc, I eat Chop Suey all the fucking time, and I'm not Chinese.

What the shit? OK, so I was going to further reply to El Santo, that the two gold-toothed, incompetent, buffoonish robots are the only ones listening to Hot 97? Yeah, that doesn't help the case either.

Yeah, El Santo, that doesn't really help either. The two buffoonish, gold-toothed, incompetent robots happened to be the only ones listening to Hot 97, while Optimus Prime and all the useful ones listened to, I dunno, NPR or something? Why not just give them a watermelon decal and spinners?

OK, but then how do you explain the goddam gold tooth?