
If they ever do a local Mortified show in your area, you should submit your stuff. I'm performing in one this weekend where I will be reading short stories I wrote in the second grade. ***SPOILER ALERT***: The mermaid princess gets rescued.

I had to turn it off after an hour. When I was listening, all I could think was "Shut up, British lady. Shut up. Shutupshutupshutup."

I didn't like Phil in the pilot, but in the past 2 episodes, he's definitely grown on me. I think he's pretty adorable. I liked the moment when he and his wife were discussing the differences between "being real" and "taking it to the next level." It gave you a small glimpse into why she fell for him…she's type-a,

The difference between Micheal Cera and Jesse Eisenberg:

No one should worry about maintaining cred while discussing workout music. I think one of the things that unites us as a human race is that we listen to music while working out that we would openly mock in any other situation. I'm not a fan of Fergie by any means, but I'll be damned if I don't listen to "London

Before Phil even stole the bike, I thought to myself, "Heeeeeeeeeey, this is the plot from Full House!" I actually thought this was my least favorite of the three plot lines, but I thought it had some pretty damn funny moments. Classic Phil!