
Gymkhana Girl, obviously.

Absolutely, he's probably my favorite all around character.

Jonathon Tucker gets a shout out for American Gods but nothing for Pablo Schrieber? That seems odd.

Scroobious can make anyone spill any secret! Or is that just me?

But The Nuge can tell Obama to "suck his machine gun" and that's just a joke calm down you PC cuck snowflakes!!!

I hope they get it on so hard this season!

Ya but its Tormund so its totally ok. Meeee-ow.

Bitches be discouraging, amiright fellas??

You forgot 'cuck' and 'femanzi'

So we jumped up on the table and shouted "Anarchy!"

So so hard.

Hahaha loved him as Dickie.

I love Domnhall Gleeson, He can do no wrong.

400? Are you serious?

We try not to sexualize Annie….She's pretty young…

Baby Bro is doing the movie!

I totally teared up at the "Will you take my hand" something so powerful in them needing each other there.

Flames…on the side of my face….

Rather see a sun salutation nawwhatimsayin'

There was a lot of dicks in Spartacus. A lot.