
And Champion of Dongs!

I hope someone live chats his live tweets.

Yup this happened near wear I live. There was also an event called Vantopia taking place near there. Lots of pics of dudes throwing up the horns with one hand, cheap beer in the other and tornado totally photo bombing.

I hear they cast Jeremy Davis as white Jesus!

What are they going to do, not watch the last season?

I know its set in Ontario but it is basically every Canadian small town, I love it!

It's only like, 1%!

A man of the wealthy people!

That will never fail to make me giggle

So its ok if they were doing it not in a Nazi way, just in a way that they literally didn't think about anyone other than themselves like people actually affected by that symbol? Better!

Funny stance to take on Planned Parenthood, Glen, considering how you openly brag out about killing peoples babies today…

He wasn't just going to sit there - Sit! I said sit!

I grew up my whole life around pit bulls, shepherds and other various big dogs. The only dog that has ever bitten me was a miniature poodle. Fuck I hate poodles.

Asking for a friend…

Where do you live that there are still video stores? 1996?

Ahh yes. Those rich guys take the nice guys share of beautiful women they are rightfully owed for some reason….Existing, I guess?

I loved the first half but thought it fell down a bit in the second.

This makes me so angry I want to go club a seal.

Oh the French just want to make everything sexy!

I had no idea!