
I'm loving the show but I hope Pip gets more lines

Gin Caesars are THE best hangover drinks but you have to be careful. We call them "Gateways" because before you know it you're feel way better and you've just put in a 10 hour shift at the pub.

If there is one thing this Trump administration is doing its making "stars" you hardly think of come to mind again. *tips hat to Michael Rapaport and Rob Schneider

I couldn't sleep at night either if I knew I was somewhat responsible for getting this lame fuck elected.

I would go see that

That stuff is basically rat poison

That's ok I like him enough for both of us,

Wasn't that just the Borgia's?

He'd just compare the treatment of Native Americans to the way turkeys are treated this time of year in a very PETA-esq fashion and this year had been hard enough without having to hear that,

Well Woodie Guthrie did right a song about Trump's dad so perhaps the Trumps were just the boogie man in Americana music.

Lisa needs braces!

Me too! Love that guy so much

As far as I know Tarzan had zero Tom Hardy ass in it so this is already ahead by miles

Yeah him naked really floods the basement huh?

And Scroobius Pip is in this as well and I love love him. I wanted to watch him in The Bastard Executioner but after about 10 minutes of the first episode I was wishing for an executioner myself

Yes but at what cost?

Flip flops are notoriously bad for shoot outs. Ask Billy The Kid.

Probably something starting with "Baby bro!"

I'm honestly not sure what the hate against the Chili Peppers is all about considering "squib-a-wib-a-bye" is the most clever thing the writers on this site have come up with lately. Me thinks the writers doth protest to much.

I need to watch that again so so funny