


I feel like such a fool…

"Gentleman, suck my dick!"
That made me laugh way way too hard.

It feels like one of those shitty things people do to others on video and follow up with "Bruh! It was just a prank, bruh!" as if some how negate their doucheyness.

Noooooooooo! They ruin everything!

We need him to do a biopic of Merle Haggard.

Well done, sir

I really enjoyed Poussey's flash backs. They didn't show her arrest but you knew it was upcoming. It really encapsulated this really amazing night in her life and that made me so happy.

Asking the real questions.

I wasn't cheering for them to do it or anything. But how is she honestly any better? Poor little rich girl wants to feel like a kingpin for a bit so she gets 5 years tacked on to someone else's sentence? Maybe not a physical injury but that's some straight up shit heel behavior.

Haha poor Beacher.

Perhaps I've watched too much Oz but all I could think was "Ya right, that'd be in the middle of her forehead not her forearm"

I find Piper insufferable. And I swear I'm not a bad person but it didn't bother me when they branded her. Yeah sure she never intended to form the white power posse but she didn't run too hard or protest too much when it suited her. She had no real issue throwing her sidekick to the wolves. She treated her

A friend of mine was at that show, I thought he was kidding!

I disagree. He's such a hot head that any little taunt could draw him out. Or. Or!

Normally I'd say no but those love sick puppy dog eyes he keeps giving her has me leaning towards heck yes!

I want a scene where in the morning Brienne comes out of a tent adjusting her sword belt, looking stoic as always and walks away. Few seconds later, Tormund walks out of the tent, hair and beard unruly, looking dazed and barely able to walk.

How did no one say Alan Rickman?

Please please please don't take Tormund!