
In addition to the Talisa pregnancy and Gendry learning his parentage…what about the scene with Joff talking about the dragons? Maybe I'm just not remembering it correctly but I thought Joff never found out about the dragons. And I thought in general the dragons up until book 5 had always just been whispers and

For a while I thought we might get Purple Wedding but the fact that there hasn't been an actor cast as Mace Tyrell, unless it has been kept secret, tells me we aren't getting the Purple Wedding. A father would be at his daughter's wedding. Nor are we getting the battle at the wall. If those two things end up in season

Wasn't it Joff who was saying "What…did you…DO?"

That's just one of the issues with a TV show. It's the same thing with the Barristan Selmy reveal and even possibly the identity of Coldhands. Plus I'm sure we're going to get a lot of Catelyn Stark in season 4 even though she's barely in book 3 after the Red Wedding. In fact I have no idea how they are going to deal

Well also a pretty good rule of the books have been that no one is dead unless you actually read them dying…Ned, Joffrey, Tywin, Robert, Drogo etc…Cat, Theon, The Mountain, Bran and Rickon…people thought they were dead but they weren't.

Joff has to die at the Purple Wedding, which can't happen this season unless they've already cast Mace Tyrell and kept it a secret. Plus what are they going to do in season 4? If they get to the purple wedding this season there's like 1/4 of a book left to adapt into 10 episodes for next season.


Based on the episode summary on my Comcast guide for next week I don't think we're going to meet the mother. DAMN YOU HIMYM!

Interesting…I looked through last night's comments early after the review was posted so I'm sure there are like 10 pages by now.

Do you think they'll even bother with guest rights?  Isn't it going to be enough that Robb and Cat are betrayed by their own bannermen? It's not like they are going to a Lannister wedding or something, then maybe you have the guest rights mentioned. 

If Martin or the producers were at all concerned about pissing off the fans who haven't read the books then I could see them doing Red Wedding one week and Joff's the next week. Because I have a feeling most of the viewing public wants to see Joffrey die. Killing him a week after Robb would certainly soften the blow a

yeah that's pretty much it. Tywin blames Cersei for making Joff the way he is and he's trying to remove her influence over him. But when he dies and Tyrion flees no one can stand in her way. Well…for a time

Well Littlefinger needs Sansa to be in the city if he's going to take her with him. That's been his plan all along. The way Sansa was acting last night it seemed as if she would be leaving for Highgarden shortly, which throws a big wrench into Littlefinger's plan

Someone made a similar comment in the newbies review…I'm really glad that the people who haven't read the book don't seem to think anything awful is coming. Twitter is going to explode when it all goes down.

I also forgot about Mance Rayder and the assault on Castle Black and Stannis showing up at the Wall, the whole thing with Jon's choice between lord commander and lord of Winterfell. So I guess there is some stuff to fill out. I'm sure they could also drag out Arya and The Hound's Hope & Crosby road movie adventure.

Right that will have to be the 4th season finale. And I guess there's Sansa in The Vale with Littlefinger as well as Tyrion's imprisonment and  the introduction of Oberyn and I'm sure Mace Tyrell. Just seems like season 4 would be a little thin without Joffrey's wedding.

Or they could just find a Sansa-look-alike elsewhere. won't have the same impact if it had been Ros or with it being Jeyne Poole in the book

I think The Seven is more like the ancient Greek/Roman Gods and The Lord of Light is Christianity. In addition to there only being one God in this religion there's talk of light and resurrection. Of course there's also a lot of blood and blood sacrifice and setting people on fire. I can definitely see The Old Gods as

I can't decide if you're right or not, I've been wondering the same thing. It does seem like we could get red wedding in episode 9 and then Joff's to end the season. But then how do they fill out next season? What happens after Joff's wedding in book 3? seems like nothing wildly exciting. Unless they start moving some

Well he just ends up as a smith, I don't really remember how it gets explained. In book 4 he's just at The Inn at the Crossroads. Anyone remember if there was an explanation?