
Right…got mixed up

Re: the change with Gendry and Melisandre.

The episode wasn't pulled because of Boston. Whoever covers this show for the AV Club even said that when NBC sent out 5 episodes to critics Ceuf was not one of them and that was before Boston. 

Based on what I know about Stephen King's various novels it seems like he works on a lot of them for a long time. I wonder what else he's got in his filing cabinet

Without spoiling too much, the book isn't really about "what if kennedy hadn't been assassinated". that does factor in but it's a fairly small part of the book. Mostly the book is about playing detective and trying not to get attached to the 1960s.

Has to be a mini-series…a TV series would be really drawn out and then would end in a really frustrating way that would piss people off after they'd invested years of their lives in the show. 

The Loras thing seems more like Tywin saying "you're not so clever are you?" and putting Cersei in her place. There's really nowhere to go with it though since

Does anyone remember what the story is with Martha and "Clark"? Who does she think he is in the U.S. Government exactly that he's doing all this investigating. I'm sure it's come up on the show I just can't remember.

Well I guess if you think the show has been spinning its wheels for a while then I can see your point. As it is I don't think it has been, although this episode as pretty boring.

If the show is renewed we will get a lot of wheel spinning? What is that based on? Who knows what kind of new stories they could come up with. At this point in the run of The Office-a similar show with a similarly confined storytelling universe-we were beyond wheel spinning. For the most part Parks is still a strong

Also…what the hell was that animal jaw doing on the plate? Did anyone notice that? That was an animal jaw right?

At what point will we see a census taker knock on Hannibal's door?

If critics were sent 5 episodes and Ceuf was not one of them then obviously the decision to not air the episode was made before Boston. I'm pretty sure I've heard that. 

I know the last two books are going to total up to 3000 or more pages but I still don't quite get how they're giong to cram in this long winter that is supposedly coming, whatever is happening with The Others and Dany's eventual return and the reignition/escalation of the war. Not to mention whatever the hell Stannis

I'm guessing the fact that Beric is missing an eye means we're going to hear about his many deaths. Also I feel like the multiple deaths and resurrections, with their consequences, will help add a little more depth to R'hollor and all that stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if they still sold it on Amazon Instant or iTunes

Week after week Parks is proving that it is the new Springfield

This was on SoundCloud on Sunday wasn't it? It's not there any more

I was raised catholic, church every week, catholic school etc…but I'm not brainwashed enough to not question the entire religion and call it on its bullshit. Also, Scientology is not a religion, it's a pyramid scheme.

This isn't really about this specific episode but wondering people's thoughts about how this season will end. The deaths of Robb and Joffrey take place past the halfway point of book 3.  But if they put Joffrey's death and Robb's death at the end of season 3 what the hell is left for season 4? Plus we still have to