
Bite your tongue on Hannibal!

I've yet to seen any slo-mo in any of these trailers…unless I'm mistaken. So that has to be some maturity right?

Ugh…like you mean they'd keep flashing to the wedding throughout every f'ing episode? That would truly being a stunning bit of dickery

It's pronounced Renayssance

Yes…but how do you get the water near him?!

What happened in Mereen, for some reason I'm drawing a complete blank with regard to sellswords

I guess I also wanted to see Vargo's death…guess they could still give Locke that same death but it would have to involved The Mountain returning to Harrenhall

I just hope it has the same impact as Theon's betrayal of the Stark family.

I can't believe no Vargo. I get not getting too deep into the Brave Companions, but why not just have that guy be Vargo instead of Locke? Vargo can still exist without the Brave Companions, at least to the people who haven't read the book. And for those who have it's a nice nod, like Ser Dontos

Kramer also once thought her last name was Benez

I'm just worried it won't have as much of an impact. I guess the show kind of hasn't done her any favors in that department. We all know who Roose is but I feel like if you aren't reading the books when Roose pops up again it'll be more like "oh yeah, it's that guy". I think on that Tumblr guide to GoT characters with

Is he really even in book 4 that much either? I Can't remember. I know 4 and 5 take place at the same time and will in all likelihood be combined for TV audiences but I thought he was only at the end of 4.

Trying to explain to my wife, who has not read the books, who "Locke" is has been very tricking. I can't even really remember why Vargo cut Jamie's hand off in the book. He was working for Tywin at one point in GoT right? Was this just revenge for some slight? Because then he basically ends up back on Tywin's side.


That's really interesting. I was looking online to see who Eddie Izzard was playing and Hollywood Reporter said The Chesepeake Ripper, which would be disappointing if true. I guess it would be interesting to see a season long Red Dragon adaptation. Also wondering if this is going to be a show that only does 15

Exactly…that's why I can't possibly imagine him being the copycat. It goes against every single motive Lecter has for killing people.

From all accounts Mike Myers seems like a lunatic, and an increasingly unfunny one at that.

So he's creating even more of a trail for himself and possibly risking capture by breaking into his victim's house to cook her lungs? Plus all of the victims, whether copycat or original, were the same age correct? So that makes this girl 18? How does he know if she has roommates, parents? It's just a huge leap.

Songs in the Key of Springfield and Go Simpsonic are awesome

I guess I just need to get past the geographic logistics. and also human lung transport logistics. Is that something he checks or is it a carry-on?