
Good point

I just rewatched season 3 and it got better with age/multiple viewings. And it got better as the season progressed.

I feel like if it was 10 or 15 years ago and we didn't all know the inner workings of TV shows because of twitter and the internet, that most of the audience wouldn't know Harmon had left the show and therefore wouldn't notice a shift in quality. It would only be years later, when TV scholars (yes) looked back at the

I feel like if it was 10 or 15 years ago and we didn't all know the inner workings of TV shows because of twitter and the internet, that most of the audience wouldn't know Harmon had left the show and therefore wouldn't notice a shift in quality. It would only be years later, when TV scholars (yes) looked back at the

I was more talking about Iran/Contra, the drug war, the ridiculousness of supply-side economics and getting into bed with Hussein and the Afghan rebels. But I won't deny what he did to help end the cold war.

The fact that Reagan and his cronies were also pretty fucking evil at the same time makes the show a really interesting conflict for American viewers.

I don't know how much truthiness there is to it

Awesome…now just get Jon Benjamin to voice the racoon and you've got an amazing movie

Yeah I know, i was just floored to learn that he wasn't born in Canada and wasn't raised in Canada.

season 2 was definitely way better

He hasn't exactly done anything to make people think he's not Canadian. Out of Control was I think a Canadian show, he has that affable, too nice Canadian demeanor, plus yes the hockey and French last name. He looks French Canadian, he dated one of Canada's national treasures. The guy WANTS to be Canadian.

I was just thinking of American Horror Story regarding this show because both were panned by the AV Club but I never understood why. I guess the AV Club came around on season 2 of AHS but I'm not sure if they changed reviewers for the show.

Dave Coulier is not Canadian…true story. 

Soderbergh is "retiring" like Michael Jordan retired, although he'll probably be much more successful in his venture into TV than Jordan was playing baseball. Eventually Soderbergh will be back directing feature films.

The Rolling Stone article is what a lot of people have said one way or another. It's their opinion and that's fine. The New Inquiry article is asinine. Obviously people can talk about the movie because people are. And I don't think Bigelow and Boal set out to make a movie that you couldn't talk about. They obviously

I guess maybe they shouldn't have gone for subtlety? Maybe it is a little too subtle. I saw the movie just before the controversy really went global and I walked away 1.) horrified by the torture 2.) believing it wasn't really that effective and 3.) thinking it was an amazing film.

According to who though? As Moore points out…ZD30 shows that torture works 1 out of 100 times. In the case of the movie the info they got from the detainee in the opening scene, nearly a year later, was info they already had and they got it over a nice lunch. Of course by that point the guy had been broken.

I know Michael Moore is a blowhard, but he wrote a great defense of this movie. People who don't see the movie for what it is are blind. 

Wait so we'll meet the mother in the 9th season as in Ted will be dating her? 

Isn't there a new Batman show coming up? I love Batman and all but Jesus, how many Batman cartoons have their been in the last 2 decades?