
Thanks…can't wait for that and hopefully his daughters eventually as well

Thanks…can't wait for that and hopefully his daughters eventually as well

and probably two years for season 4! I wonder if they'll film it all that once and split it up. I know they can't fit book 3 into a 12 episode season but maybe they could it it into an 18 episode season that was split up into two 9 episode seasons? maybe the first part premieres next april and then the second part in

and probably two years for season 4! I wonder if they'll film it all that once and split it up. I know they can't fit book 3 into a 12 episode season but maybe they could it it into an 18 episode season that was split up into two 9 episode seasons? maybe the first part premieres next april and then the second part in

My memory is also very fuzzy so you're probably right. I could have sworn that Oberyn was early in the third book but maybe they're just moving around, like they obviously have with the Reeds

My memory is also very fuzzy so you're probably right. I could have sworn that Oberyn was early in the third book but maybe they're just moving around, like they obviously have with the Reeds

Uh…what about Mace Tyrell and Doran Martell? Or Oberyn? Maybe the Martells don't get introduced until the 4th season?

Uh…what about Mace Tyrell and Doran Martell? Or Oberyn? Maybe the Martells don't get introduced until the 4th season?

I had no idea until this week that Grand Maester Pycelle is played by General Veers from Empire! and he was the villain in Last Crusade too! Dude got OLD!

I had no idea until this week that Grand Maester Pycelle is played by General Veers from Empire! and he was the villain in Last Crusade too! Dude got OLD!

Vanessa Redgrave or Judi Dench. Is Helen Mirren too young for the role?

Vanessa Redgrave or Judi Dench. Is Helen Mirren too young for the role?

How about some Mace Tyrell casting? And the Martell's also. Man things are about to get super crazy in book three. I kind of forget all about all the shit that goes down.

How about some Mace Tyrell casting? And the Martell's also. Man things are about to get super crazy in book three. I kind of forget all about all the shit that goes down.

It doesn't open in Chicago this weekend and I'm infuriated! We're a huge city! But it does open here June 1st, maybe that's when it goes nationwide?

It doesn't open in Chicago this weekend and I'm infuriated! We're a huge city! But it does open here June 1st, maybe that's when it goes nationwide?

Can't wait to see which of Masterson's (aka DJ Mom Jeans) scientology idiots show up in guest roles. Obviously his brother, and for sure Supplee because he'll literally be in anything. One or both of the Ribisi kids, maybe in the same ep?

Can't wait to see which of Masterson's (aka DJ Mom Jeans) scientology idiots show up in guest roles. Obviously his brother, and for sure Supplee because he'll literally be in anything. One or both of the Ribisi kids, maybe in the same ep?

Ugh…Joan Watson? C'mon! So in this universe of Sherlock Holmes either a.) John Watson never existed in London, therefore never chronicling Holmes' work and making him famous or b.) by some crazy coincidence when Holmes gets to America he is partnered with a woman who has a name that is one letter off from the name of

So they are airing in order on NBC? great! Thanks.