
Jeffrey Ross
Does he do anything other than these asinine roasts?

That is a distinguished resume. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that visual style on the show

Did anyone notice that visual trick they did
To open the scene where Wysocki and Evers were interviewing the drug dealer about graduating from weed to coke? It was very brief but the sound effects the suspect's clothes ruffling, him running his hand through his hair, his shoes scraping against the ground, were all

Thanks The Rat…reality TV is a fucking blight on this country so I don't want it in Chicago. I think a lot of people would probably agree with me.

I knew this wasn't going to be Hurt Locker
or Blackhawk Down with aliens but I thought it would at least be an enjoyable big-budget action movie. that's a bummer.

I'd like to thank the fine people of Bucktown and Wicker Park
in Chicago for making it so MTV never wanted to come back here to film another season of this show. As for who watches it…skanks, sluts, douches, jagoffs, jagweeds, party whores…ya know, MTV's target demo.

I really hope you're being sarcastic in your post 405. If not, how can you call Lupe a sell-out? First of all do you know what sell-out means? It means that he signed with a major label and changed everything about who he was as a musician or even a person. Lupe was already on a major label, so technically he'd

It's a very catchy song…maybe if Matthew Santos were one of the dolts from Black Eyed Peas then it would have had their undivided attention. The good news is that we all know Lupe can still make great music and one day he'll be able to.

I think it's pretty obvious that you can't blame Lupe for this fiasco (word play!) This is a classic example of the record company meddling where it shouldn't meddle. They actually had the nerve to call The Cool a failure!

Sorry…I mean Shining Down, which also features Matthew Santos

Not being a huge rap fan I don't know what to grade this
…don't really know if it's a B- but I like it. I don't love it unfortunately. Way too much auto-tune for starters. I'm guess that's not something Lupe wanted. You had to figure a guy like Lupe would never really make it putting out major-label rap. He has no

still unnecessary and born of some misplaced jealousy.

No i meant church parish…but I did also leave out what ward you live in.

a.) the Cubs knock if unnecessary

People do talk about what part of the city you're from, then what neighborhood, then what parish, then what hot dog stand or beef stand. The Cubs/Sox ribbing is generally pretty constant also. It goes on a brief hiatus during Bears season but that's only if the Bears are actually playing well.

I think there are certain aspects about Chicago…the daley democratic machine for instance, the diversity and extreme segregation that Givens talked about last night, the insane number of neighborhoods, most of them very different than the next. I just feel like maybe that's not being played up. There are certain

ding…excellent schools…dong…quality hospitals

It's amazing how often one can work "We the purple" into normal, everyday conversations.

It's tough to pick sides here
On one side you have Charlie Sheen, clearly a self-destructive lunatic who offers nothing to anyone. On the other side you have Chuck Lorre, the man responsible for unleashing "Two and a Half Men" on an unsuspecting world. Can I pick neither?

Zeek and Seth
maybe this was already brought up last week but what's with Zeek's 180 on his grandson seeing his father?