
Maybe it's time the AV Club dropped
The McFarlane mediocrity hour (or hour and a half) from their coverage. Why even waste the time? I get the Simpsons and Bob's Burgers is new but what's the point of handing out Ds every week to already bad shows?

The reason there was a breach though was because of a very specific set of circumstances. It wasn't just that they were in love or needed each other, it's that they both lost people in the exact same way. And that some how they both missed/needed each other at the exact same time. On Earth 2 Derek suddenly thought one

The coin toss
Is it just a coincidence that Walter uses the coin toss to discover the laws of physics are being broke in the building and that the Merchant's used a coin toss though? What if the Observers had something to do with that? On Earth 2 they make the woman lose the coin toss, on Earth 1 they make the man

I'd rather they sound like Beals and Clarke than the Superfans though. Because all Chicagoans don't sound like Bill Swerski. TV and movies are full of actors and actresses who can't hide their british/australian accents. Anyone watched "Lights Out"? Catherine McCormack is really struggling. It's the "e" sound that

Chris Mulkey also on "Lost" as a pot grower in Further Instructions

Who or what is Muse?
That is all

You really shouldn't tell people to not watch a show based on you seeing the first 5 to 10 minutes of a pilot. If you know anything about TV you should know that pilots are generally not great. Ever seen the pilot for the Office US remake? AWFUL. Shot for shot remake of the original with a few American touches thrown

After seeing the posts about the ratings I went to good old Google and put in "Chicago Code ratings" and a lot of people said the same thing you did…in context the ratings are bad because of how much promotion went into the show but really not that bad when you consider other shows in that time slot like Lone Star and

I'm really surprised at the ratings. I guess people just don't want another cop show…and yet the CSIs and NCISs are allowed to run for years of sheer mediocrity. At least we'll get 13 episodes of season 1 but there's no way in hell this show lasts. Filming in Chicago isn't cheap, since it is actually a corrupt town

Maybe I overdid it a little because I do love a good antihero, but I also don't mind clear-cut lines. Granted there are still any number of scenarios where characters could be undercover or other politicians who are in fact corrupt. The show could still keep us guessing about some characters, while we know about

He just did it to get in good with his partner, although a Sox fan would probably not do the same thing if his new, veteran partner were a Cubs fan.


I enjoyed that immensely, although I'm a cubs fan. Not just because it's different but because the whole conversation between him and his partner was funny and rang true. I like how he tricked him into admitting it with the 1:20 game time.

Don't we have enough anti-hero shows on TV? it's almost become a cliche to have a hero who toes the line between good and bad. Every show has flawed heroes these days, it's getting old. I could use a respite from rooting for a real asshole

Not when there's murderin' involved. Also, whoever said the settings look nothing like Chicago is nuts. A.) it is Chicago so I don't know how you can say that and b.) I just plain disagree. I really thought they did a great job of using different parts of the city. When are you ever going to see anything filmed under

Mayoral candidate Gery Chico sounds like a superfan…he's currently running third behind Rahm and Carol Moseley Nightmare which is too bad because he'd be pretty entertaining to listen to for 4 years

I thought they got Chicago pretty right on, although of course overly dramatized for TV. But the central plot of the city contract bidding…I mean you hear about those kind of shennanigans on an almost daily basis. The Cubs/Sox thing rang true for me as well. I don't know much about the gang situation in Chicago, only

I assume the travesty you're referring to is a set of "music" from Black Eyed Peas…that did occur.

What is a "a demon's twist rusts"? i'm drawing a blank here

DJ Mom Jeans
what a jag weed. Did your 12-year-old nephew come up with that one asshole?