
Yes, I agree. People are idiots

I was at a theater where people laughed
and it annoyed the piss out of me. the movie-going public is full of idiots who make Friedburg and Seltzer millionaires so I shouldn't be surprised.

This show kind of is MacGyver
Without the mullet and the bad 80s music. Least season Chance was always pulling at least one awesome MacGyver stunt per episode.

Barney's commentary on Karate Kid
On HIMYM is also awesome.

Conan and Dexter
C'mon The Hater…Conan has been on for one whole week and the late night jokes have already dropped off significantly. I'd hardly call him obsessed after a week. Plus it deserves to be talked about because the whole thing was complete bullshit.

Stopping to pee in the tallgrass anywhere near NYC
If you're not the one who has to go then you should run as fast as you can.

What I love is that there are a few different layers to this show, just like with Lost. And I also feel like we're getting some great answers and it's not being dragged out. Maybe that's because there are multiple huge stories to tell. There's the alternate world, there's the observers.

The Observers have to be the first people
Because if they're not then Fringe is overloading the mythology. First people, bald people, other people…that's just way too much to give proper time to and to give satisfying conclusion to. The theory someone had about The Vacuum creating Earth 2 is awesome though. And seeing

Any Wes Anderson news is good news
But what happened to the My Best Friend remake?

Any Wes Anderson news is good news
But what happened to the My Best Friend remake?

The "goth" girl with the black hair
I find her very irritating and she is the sole reason I never watched this show. The actress/character seems irritating and her look is irritating. It has the feel of some network "genius" deciding the show needed some edge and this girl is what old network hacks think "edge" is.

I don't get this community college
Where people can just start classes whenever they want. Don't they have semesters? We're what, 6 episodes into the season or 7? And they're just starting this new class now?

Oh and also Earth 2 Astrid
Is she not EXACTLY like Abed on Community?

Olivia's sister…
In Earth 1 she moved to Chicago with her husband? When did that happen? Or did I mishear that part?

You win America
On behalf of all the people out there who don't mind thinking a little bit when they watch TV, you win. Please stop making dramas featuring morally ambiguous protagonists because we will not debate with our friends about right and wrong. Please stop making involving dramas that require weekly viewing

This is still a better sitcom. It is hands down the best three-camera sitcom on TV right now and still one of the best all-around sitcoms.


The laugh track is there
Because the people who generally watch this show are lazy. If hating this show makes me a snob then so be it. TV viewers are lazy because Americans as a whole are pretty lazy. Reality TV is a prime example of that. Almost all of it is easy to watch while half paying attention because it's

Carla: Where'd ya get the pistol?
Llewelyn: At the gettin' place

Coen brothers actors
Anyone else being a huge nerd and trying to spot the people who have appeared in Coen Bros. movies…so far I have Buscemi, Badalucco, Margaret Schroeder (real name escapes me) and Michael Stuhlburg.