
He's the best

The food joke is really also a subtle slam on the "vanilla" diets of the people in flyover states. They assume we're all hearty robust people in the midwest and the mountain states and the plain states and we only eat steak and potatoes and when we have something a little spicy we get explosive diarrhea.

Doc Potterywood
Good one Jeff!

You could argue that a lot of movie deaths are "ambiguous"…is there really a good way to show the audience that someone is actually dead. sure you can show a funeral or a flatlining monitor or a coffin going into the ground but do we ever really actually know? I'm not saying your wrong though because I personally

Fixing college basketball
That was a major plotline left out of the book and a fairly large historical event…hopefully they go into that more. that's funny right?

Aptakisic represent!
I didn't go there, but I grew up close. I don't know why that's exciting, maybe because Aptakisic is such a weird word.

EBEs! C'mon!
I love me some alien stories, don't get me wrong. But we've all seen alien stories. I had no idea what else they could have been other than time travelers, and maybe they actually are and the reporter/conspiracy theorists just assume aliens. But I really hope it's something else and that the whole point

Love that they bring back Stuart
from time to time…that's some nice consistency on the show.

Loved the Rache reference…where the was the Mrs. Turner though?

Thanks for the info, that's very interesting.

Really enjoyable
Although the music was very very close to the music from Guy Ritchie's movie. I mean someone might want to look into that legally. It's almost identical. But I loved that movie and I love this. Any time Holmes is not in the full Basil Rathbone get-up then I really enjoy it. I especially liked the end

It's a nice tribute to Between Two Ferns
The interviewer did a pretty good job…if it was all him then it's pretty good.

I guess I was just thinking more how most high school theater involves musicals…I guess there are plays as well but musicals are big now in the flyover states according to the people not in the flyover states.

A show about high school theater can't be far off
I have nothing more to add

Really enjoyed this episode
Can't believe you AV Club! This was an instant classic.

Good call

Name, I was thinking the same thing and you make an excellent point. However if they do it right it could be pretty cool. Now we're deep into this alternate world thing. If they can resolve that in a reasonable amount of time, there's still the whole observers thing to delve into. I'm assuming this ancient tech that

I have never laughed harder at a television scene than I did during the bloopers reel in Jack-Tor. The only thing that even comes close is George tripping out of the bathroom with his pants down in "The Boyfriend" on Seinfeld.

Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Bill O'Reilly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck
(opens envelope) Who are 4 people that should have stuck to their day jobs?

Good point about Croc, I forgot all about that interpretation of the character. Either way, I have full faith in in Nolan's crew and I don't think they'll bow to studio/fan pressure like Raimi did when he shoehorned venom in Spider-Man 3.