
Yes he did tell her that

Tanya MacGuffin
Really Rubicon? According to IMDb that is Tanya's last name. There's no way they'd be that obvious right? Also Miranda Richardson's character's last name is Rhumor? How did I miss all this? Are they really being that obvious?

The guy who left the message on the dead husband's phone
Was James Wheeler (David Rasche), who is the same guy who paid for the Chinese food with his credit card. Did someone already point this out?

Jean Teasedale

Amanda and alcohol
I'm no cooking expert so maybe I just don't know but it seems like every week this girl is making a dish that has alcohol in it, including this week. Am I wrong? Or do a lot of dishes just end up having alcohol?

I'm against most American remakes on principle but there is something that seems even weirder/worse about this one. And yet because I love David Fincher and I'm a Craig fan, I'll probably see it anyway. But at least I'll feel superior than most of the other people seeing it because I'll know I've already seen the

This is a whole new breed of remake
Usually the American remakes move the action from the country that the original film took place in to America. I don't get the point of making this movie that takes place in Sweden, where all the American and British actors will be Swedish but it'll be in English, other than to

I think you have it backwards Ringo…the lockdown is triggered by the food drops.

Good point, although that whle subgenre has also started branching off into other things including vampires and sea monsters and other supernatural shit. It remains to be seen but I firmly believe that zombies will never be oversaturated.

Zombies will never become oversaturated
Because there are only two ways to do zombies…funny or scary. Vampires are romantic, brooding, funny, scary. vampires are oversaturated now because of all this romantic, brooding vampire garbage. vampires have been around as a character for how many centuries and when did it

Ben wanted to take his talents to the south beach of the island so he's taking a back seat to Hurley.

I thought it was The Inspector
That was Kramer's briefly mentioned friend. I could have sworn there was a "the" in front of the name.

I know, I'm just talking about the trailer though…usually that shit (pun!) goes right in the trailer so everyone who enjoys that shit (pun!!) will know that this is a movie where they can get their fill of shit jokes.

The trailer gets a thumbs up in my opinion for two reason
1.) No scatalogical humor whatsoever…with an infinite number of bear shitting in the woods jokes, plus the tendency for filmmakers to do that to rehashes, it's quite surprise there is none at all

I said movies, not TV shows

Sheesh! This guy is good movie kryptonite. If he's directing and/or has a sizable role in a movie, it's probably going to be bad.

Yeah I think he did and Godric was obviously very old too. It would be nice if there was some big bombshell with Russell, but I also wouldn't really believe that he is Dracula or something and yet still just the King of Mississippi…to anyone who's read the books, does Harris eventually go into the higher echelons of

Michael Richards generally comes off like a douche when you go back and watch all the special features on the DVDs. The way he talks about the Kramer character, you'd think he was talking about how he wrote the great American novel or something.

There's a great cooking competition show buried beneath all the layers of reality show garbage on "Top Chef". I've only watched the this season and the season before all the way through and cut the previous season to that about halfway. So far this one seems to have the most scheming, but the producers aren't making

How can you say they judged fairly
Maybe the team that Kenny was on did but Angelo's team did not…as someone else said, all of his lemmings followed his lead except Tiffany, who is pretty awesome. I like her and Kelly and I'm starting to like Ed even though he seems like a bit of a droopy-eyed knucklehead.