
Sonny's attitude last week really bugged me
Because the people were just there to help…his whole line of bullshit about "you've never heard of the 9th ward until katrina, why do you care" was really annoying. You think must of the world had heard of those places in the south pacific that were hit by the tsunami a few

I thought I had seen C3PO but forgot to go back

Noel…don't you get the sense that there's also something wrong with Earth-2? I can't remember exactly what they called it, but there is some sort of Condition going on in Earth-2 that is killing plant life and vegetation. It just seems like for as advanced as they are technologically, things aren't all that rosy and

I'm never going to get credit
for saying a long time ago that Walter-2 was the guy pulling the strings and starting this war…damn you interweb!

I don't get the complaints about the way the answers are being dispensed, since for 5+ years people have been talking about how the characters on this show never just talk frankly with each other. Think back to all the times when one character knew something, and another character new another related thing but they

Is it really that important to learn about Libby though? Back when we saw her giving Desmond her boat, some thought she was an agent of Charles Widmore, some people thought she was just giving up her boat. By this time we know that the island has a way of pulling people in, in Desmond's case, several times. So is it

The Little kid
that Locke and Desmond saw, had brown hair. the other kid had blond hair. Youthful manifestations of Smokey and Jacob?

the idea of a well full of monkeys, with monkeys coming up in the basket, is in itself hilarious. imagine all the funny monkey noises echoing out of that well.

Monkeys on the Simpsons
Are always hilarious…chained-up monkeys typing the great American novel for Mr. Burns, Sideshow Mel's Monkeytown Philharmonic choir, monkeys re-enacting a Civil War battle in the Stonecutters episode and the crown jewel of them all, Mojo the helper monkey. Is is different because it's a cartoon

Rockefeller…your concerns seem unfounded. I'll give you that TBS' original programming isn't great, but I doubt Conan would sign any deal if he thought that he'd be comedically hamstrung by network brass.

Sideways World as Oz
seeing a lot of parallels between them. The idea that it's a better world at first but now Desmond is going to make everyone realize "there's no place like home." You have the series of "you were there and you were there and you were there" cameos by people who are similar to their Island

No one really knew each other on the freigher though. we don't know how much time they spent together beforehand but it doesn't seem like that much. then at most 5 days on the boat before trying to get to the island right? and it's not like miles, charlotte, dan and frank are the friendliest lot. they're all kind of

The alternate timeline
Is the temptation of all of the castaways, by Smokey, to get them to help him escape. That's why Desmond has to put a stop to it, to wake them up from their dream. Because if he doesn't then they'll all help Locke and it'll be the end of everything

3 days were spent traveling to the island by sub i think right? so he was taken from his hospital 5 days ago by Widmore. i guess it matches up. as for the Faraday stuff…I think that it's safe to assume he was a child prodigy and a 19-year old professor

The Desmond timeline
since he got shot…it happened the day of the Ajira flight, then they crashed on the island and jack et al were in 1977 and everyone else was with the Statue people. Widmore makes it seem like it was only a couple of days but it has to be a little longer than that right?

What is it about Skyler
That makes her so unlikable?

So Walternate
He has to be the man behind the curtain on this whole thing right? The big bad? I mean, his son was stolen by Walter 1 and because Earth 2 is so technologically advanced, it stands to reason that Walternate could have easily found out what Walter 1 did. Hence the war.

The Jacob/MIB as Aaron theory
I think it got a little more proof last night with Locke talking to Claire. Maybe I'm just reading into it because I like the theory, but Locke seems to want to help her get back to Aaron so that she can raise him…as if that's important some how to the grand scheme of what Locke is doing.

i checked IMDB, same actress…she played Hadrian very early on in BSG which I only know because I just started watching that show…I swear, I'm not a huge nerd who remembers every bit actor from the run of BSG. I'm only like that with Lost. Coincidentally, imagine if there was a prequel Lost show in which someone who

The female government official
Who came to talk to Daniel and was on a date with Virgus…same actress from season one BSG who played the master-at-arms?