
It wouldn't surprise me if we learned there were no "special powers" in the alternate universe though. Did Hurley ever have powers before he went to the island? Miles was born there right? or at least was there from a very young age.

Based on the fact that Isabelle has three brothers, two of whom are Marines and one who's a cop…I'm guessing her dad is similar to the brothers, so she's probably attracted to the authoritative type, which is what Dwight is. There's also the aspect where Dwight plays hard-to-get and kind of jerky…in a way, Dwight was

Didn't Creed date Squeaky Fromme?

It's not that it doesn't exist, it's that it's underwater. And there's still a broken statue on it, and there's still the Dharma barracks.

Who cares what it's called?
Seriously, I love this show but I could care less what it's called. No one said boo when there was an episode called "Some Like it Hoth". Seriously, that's what it was called and I'm pretty sure it was only called that because Hurley was trying to rewrite Empire, while they were back in

If you look at the rest of the Wiki entry, there's a lot of stuff about Islam and Iblis (Islamic Satan) and how he was created by God out of smokeless fire along with the other djinn (genies) of the world.

Noel's genie theory
I'm sure someone has posted this but just in case, from the wikipedia entry on Djinn:

other than Voldemort of course

The Man in Black's name
Or lack of a name…at first, whenever MIB was talked about I kind of thought they just were dancing around what his name was. Now I'm starting to wonder if his name is a word that can't be uttered. I have nothing to back this up, but I'm wondering if anyone else in this vast group of commenters

Season 8
was actually a vast improvement over season 7, the last one on NBC. And the season 8 finale was perfect and had it been the series finale, I think it would have one day been viewed as one of the best series finales ever. Sadly, ABC brought it back.

Great visual gags in this episode
And Sr. Chang pulling up when Pierce was drowning was also awesome

At this point the Lost people have earned enough trust with me that I believe the flash-sideways are important.

Pierre Chang
Do we know for sure he's alive? Miles last name in the alternate timeline is still Straume…I realize he could have taken his mom's name, but if the timeline did change at the detonation of the bomb, wouldn't Chang still be dead?

I'd like to see Cameron release one of his middling blockbusters around a time of the year that isn't referred to in Hollywood as a "dumping ground for all the finished movies still on the shelf."

Packman need a drinky is a classic but his whole interaction with Karen is my favorite, ending of course with "Either this chick's a dude or Halpert was scared straight"

I'm pretty sure he does "outside sales"…not sure how that's different but it seems like he is a traveling sales rep of some sort.

"Either this chick's a dude or Halpert was scared straight"

Pretty sure the last time Koechner was on the show was in the season 3 episode "Ben Franklin" where he showed up for the bachelor/bachelorette parties…There's nothing Todd Packer can't do, except pass that breathalyzer.

No mention of Todd Packer?
Seriously? Todd F. Packer is back and it doesn't even get a mention?! C'mon!

Penny and Desmond
what if they're Adam and Eve, what if they come back to the island with their son Charlie, then end up in the past and die, are buried in the caves and their son Charlie grows up to be Charles Widmore? is that too sci-fi nerdy?