
I think it's safe to assume that Claire was time jumping, everyone else was. I was wondering if the bassinet in the hut was the same one in the Dharma medical station

That's crazy…I always forget how short a span of time things often take place in on this show

Since the season started I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what the point of the Sideways timeline is. I've always that at least part of it was to show us that these people were always meant to be thrown together, that they can't escape their destiny, plane crash or no plane crash, island or no island,

Watching little kids beat each other up
That seems wrong…also seems wrong to watch an adult beat little kids up. I don't care how trained the little kids are. It's kind of like how society frowns on hobo boxing or cockfighting or dogfighting…seems like watching little kids fight is wrong.

They have to do more with Aaron right? I mean that would be kind of weird if they never addressed his significance to the show, considering what a big deal he seems to have been early on. That being said, Malcolm David Kelly isn't coming back and Walt seemed like a pretty damn big deal as well so…

Also, does alterna-Paolo have the IBS that plagued his doppleganger?

Two Lists with Names
To me, Jacob and Smokey are each keeping their own lists. I still don't believe what Smokey says about Jacob searching for an island protector to replace him. Well, now he probably needs that since he's dead, but I don't think that was his original end game. Smokey is lying, and I think he's also

The futurist garb
Was it what people thought the future would be when Eo first came out, or is it what people think the future will be like right now?

Tried to read it
Found it really irritating. All the characters are so self-important and full of themselves. If Kerouac had written the book for that purpose it would be one thing, but he seems just as self-important. Sal Paradise is an irritating mooch who has nothing to offer and only wants to take from people.

An Onion horoscope from 1999
Something to the effect of "There are more important things in life than the new Star Wars prequel, just not in your particular life"…it was the most dead-on horoscope reading I've ever seen for my sign. Of course the movie ended up sucking, but this was before we all knew that.

The Ben anamoly is a huge one that I didn't even think about. But as for why things might be different in the alterna-timeline. This is something I posted yesterday, but if you think about the influence that the island has had on Locke when Richard came to his foster parent's home and asked him to take the test. Then

Some of my friends who are more casual Lost fans aren't even fully aware of the Valenzetti Equation. I keep hoping that it'll get mentioned on the show. I was actually hoping we'd see what happened to Daniel when he went to Ann Arbor. There has to be something left to tell in that story!

Interesting guess there. Just because they've stopped time traveling doesn't mean time travel, or re-writing the past isn't still in play on the island. Plus Jacob and MIB appear to have powers beyond that of mortal man. Darlton said that it was important for us to notice that on the sunken island New Otherton was

Maybe it's one of the rules? Maybe it's not Jacob keeping tally on the cave wall, maybe it's MIB, trying to find his own candidate to help him leave the island. I can't help but think of the times we were told that people like Sayid, Kate and Locke, and Jack, weren't on Jacob's list or whatever by several people.

I'm starting to wonder at what point Ben was being manipulated by MIB? Remember Mikhail told Kate, Locke and Sayid that their names weren't on the list because they weren't good people. We assumed that was one of Jacob's lists but maybe it was made by MIB instead? Maybe MIB has been the one searching for a candidate?

Although one thing I just thought about. If they never travel through time to 1954 then they never tell Richard to bury the bomb, which means that it could have destroyed the island long before New Otherton was built. At the very least it might not have been usable in 1977 to blow up the pocket in the first place.

I'm still not convinced that Jacob (or whoever) assigning those numbers to certain castaways is just another fun, thematic quirk of the show, like how the numbers always end up showing up everywhere. I mean, why would these 6 numbers be specifically assigned to these 6 815ers and also be the numbers that are broadcast

A few thoughts on Jacob's contact with everyone
He gets Kate out of a trouble by paying for her lunch box. Maybe that's where she starts thinking she can do whatever she wants with no consequence? Sawyer is trying to write a letter to the real Sawyer when his pen runs out. Maybe it seems inconsequential, but that

We've known about Jacob and Smokey
for quite some time though. Granted, we only met their human visages recently but we've known that Jacob was compiling lists for quite some time. We've also had a lingering question of "Why did all these people, who's path's crossed pre-crash, get brought to this island?". We've

The little blond kid
I'm sure it's been said already, but the kid said "You know you can't kill him" not "you know you can't kill Jacob". So he could have been referring to Sawyer, Jacob, maybe even Richard. My guess though is it's Sawyer since he's a candidate and there seems to be something important about that.